Episode 1 Laser eyes

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September 5th, First day of school, School cafeteria

"Laser eyes?" Alex repeated with a tone of deep judgement.

"Yeah!" Mike confirmed.

"I said any super power- and you go with laser eyes!?" Alex looked at her friend with unbelief, across the cafeteria table Tracy smirked.

"Yeah laser eyes then I could PEW PEW PEW!" Mike emphasized his words with enthusiastic pointing.

"Not flying or time travel- laser eyes!" Alex refused to let what she considered to be a bad choice go.

Mike started to walk away, "Yeah."

Tracy and Alex laughed at his nonchalant air- they had known him too long to believe it was natural.

"Nice shirt by the way." Alex called after him before he disappeared in the busy room, Mike turned around and straightened his blue superman shirt- the one that had started the whole conversation, then he did an enthusiastic dab.

Alex watched him as he made his way through the swarming tables, without planning to, Alex found herself checking him out; his last growth spurt had transformed him from a scrawny grade 10 boy to a tall- suddenly attractive grade 11... Alex would be blind not to notice- but they were friends! She made herself look away and frowned; checking out friends was totally wrong!

She looked up and sighed in exasperation when she realized that Tracy had noticed Alex checking Mike out. Tracy hid a smirk by brushing her dark brown bangs away from her thick black rim glasses.

"He's gotten taller." Alex said in defense.

Tracy nodded, "Yeah most boys have." And didn't Tracy know it! Unlike Alex and Mike she was in grade 10, and all morning she had been in perpetual shock at how tall all her class mates had gotten over the summer.

Then, as if to defy their observations, their friend Nicky scrambled to their table- for him, navigating the school halls and cafeteria was like trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans that are three sizes too small; it's possible- but the end result is not pleasant. Nicky was probably the shortest person in the whole school, honestly he looked less like a grade 10 student and more like a grade 8 who had snuck in, and immediately regretted it. Being Asian didn't help- and because of his height he got picked on all the time. He had learned how to hide quite effectively behind his mane of black hair and thin rimmed glasses, and only his friends knew him to be fun and up beat- if a little quirky.

"They have poutine this year!!!" Nicky said with wide eyes behind his glasses, he placed a cafeteria tray on the table, on it was a bowl containing a mountain of soggy fries, cheese curds and gravy.

"WHAT!?" both Tracy and Alex exclaimed in astonishment, "How much?" Tracy asked looking up to the food line.

"3:25" Nicky said as his slid his change into his pocket.

"I only got a 10- do they have change for that?" Tracy asked as she moved to stand up.

"No wait- I got this for you!" Nicky said holding up two forks.

"Oh! Thanks Nicky." Tracy said with a smile as she took a fork, and the two began to dig in.

It was Alex's turn to smirk; Tracy noticed the tiniest flirt between two people- but it was like her thick lenses in her glasses was distorting her view of the boy who was always by her side.

Nicky and Tracy had been inseparable for years- and it was clear to Alex that Nicky was hopelessly in love with the brunet- and yet Tracy never seemed to notice!

Alex nearly got whiplash as she was jolted from her thoughts by a loud crash across the cafeteria. The room went silent and all eyes went to where a garbage bin had been knocked over- the top coming off and garbage spilling, a bag of pop cans also being knocked over. Semi empty pop cans, soggy poutine cups, dirty napkins, and half eaten salads spilled out in a heap- and in amongst them laying on the floor, was the poor girl who had caused the commotion. After the noise of the garbage bin falling over and the pop cans bouncing across the tile floor had died, there was a moment of dead silence, then the room erupted in laughter and 'woot woots'.

A kitchen staff came out and looked extremely displeased to find the awful mess. From where she sat, Alex could see the girl wilt further into the garbage in embarrassment.

"People are so awful." Alex murmured as teenagers everywhere continued to laugh and mock the girl's disaster.

"Yikes..." Tracy turned away, sharing the girl's embarrassment too much to keep watching.

* * *

"I'm just kinda glad it wasn't me!" Nicky said with a deep sigh as he and Mike stood before the mirrors in the boy's bathrooms.

Mike ran his hands carefully over his styled spiked golden blond hair, "No kidding! What a way to start the first day of school!"

Nicky readjusted his glasses and observed his reflection the way one does when looking at a hurried assignment; you know it should be better- but this is just as good as it will get.

"I see you didn't take my advice." Mike said ruefully looking at his friend's reflection with his bluer then blue eyes.

Nicky smiled bashfully and ruffled his own mane of hair, "Nah... I just didn't feel like a new hair cut."

Mike shook his head as he made sure his own hair was in peek condition, "I'm telling you- a new hair cut would do you wonders. It might even get you a date!"

Nicky blushed, "I'm not looking for one."

Just then the bell rang for third period, making Mike scramble for his phone.

"Ah! My alarm didn't work- come on we'll be late!" the two of them went as quickly through the halls as they could without running. They parted ways at the cross halls, and soon Mike ducked into his English class; he wasn't late!

Sitting down three rows back and two over, he surveyed his class mates until his eyes snagged on the girl sitting two rows over; she had olive toned skin and wavy, curly brown hair that she kept flopping to one side. Mike stared- his jaw going slack without his permission; he was certain he had seen her before...

Just then she turned her sharp teal gaze on him, flanked by wingtip eye liner- holy cow- talk about laser eyes! Mike looked away his face heating up- he was sure he had seen her before! 

Woo! And so it begins! I'd love to hear your thoughts

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