Episode 55 The bonfire

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May 11th, One week later, One week before Quiz finals

"This is a bad idea- I'm turning around! I shouldn't have brought you guys out here!" Ken declared and pulled into the driveway of the country house that the note in everyone's locker had told them to go to.

"We're here! We can't go back now!" Claudia complained.

"I'm with Ken." Jen squeaked- she for one, was terrified! When she had gotten the mysterious invite earlier that day she had intended to ignore it, but Claudia had convinced Ken to drive them all out.

"Um..." Jackson seemed to have lost his words, for as Ken pulled into the driveway to turn around- he froze at what he saw. The house was a nice looking one, but that's not what had frozen Jen's brother, for parked backwards in the driveway, facing them, was Maddison's truck- dent and all.

"Isn't that...?" Jackson asked from the front seat.

"Does Maddison live here!?" Claudia asked as she leaned forward in the backseat.

"I've never been to her house." Ken said tightly, then he put the car into park, yanked the keys out, threw his seatbelt off and practically kicked his door open. Jen had never seen her brother so angry before! She and the others scrambled to get out of the car as Ken slammed his door shut.

"The invites said to go around to the back." Claudia said pointing to a very tall fence that came out the side of the house and blocked all view of the back yard. But there was a gate in the fence next to the house's brick wall. Ken led the way and pushed the gate open; they all peered through and froze.

In the middle of the large fenced in yard was an unlit bonfire, with a bunch of folding chairs surrounding it. Standing around the fire, meeting their shocked gaze, was Maddison, Chick and the tallest guy they had ever seen.

"What is going on?" Ken asked stepping into the yard, "Maddison- explain this right now!"

Maddy smiled apologetically, "I will- but we need to wait for the others."

Claudia frowned, "What 'others'!?"

Jackson looked back to the open gate, "There's another car coming." He whispered. They all waited in tense silence for the 'others'.

* * *

"Nicky- Tracy get out of the car!" Mike ordered, as he, Amanda and Alex stood on the drive way of the house that Chick had told them to go to in her note.

Tracy and Nicky reluctantly climbed out of Alex's family car, "Are we REALY sure about this?" Nicky asked, hesitating to leave the cars side.

"Yes! We are going to make Chick tell us what's going on! You two stay behind me and Alex and Amanda- we got this!"

"Yeah- or we're just going to practice our verses for the finals!" Amanda pointed out- trying to be the voice of reason.

Mike closed his eyes and looked a few seconds into the future, he opened his eyes again, "There's seven people in the back yard- lets do this!"

"Who are they!?" Alex asked as they started towards the gate.

Mike shrugged, "I don't know- I just kinda peeked. I don't want to see anything I can't undo."

"Um- that's Maddison's car!" Tracy pointed out as she ran up to them.

"Yeah- probably just an extra practice night." Alex agreed with Amanda- but sounded less sure. Then she paused in fear when she glimpsed a motorcycle behind the truck, "That's the bike that was following me the other day!" she exclaimed. Mike felt a moment of uncertainty, but his bravery returned.

"Come on!" He walked up to the gate confidently and the others followed, then Mike led a half-hearted charge inside, but they all froze when they saw Ken and the other team- including Chick and the tall guy from the school fight.

"What are they doing here!?" Nicky asked, peeking around Mike.

"See it is a practice night!" Amanda said not sounding very reassuring, "With half of our quizzers and one random quizzer from another team..."

Alex stepped forward, "What's going on?" she asked, her brown eyes going from Ken, to Maddison, to Chick.

Chick shrugged a single shoulder, "We should wait for the others before we start explaining."

"There's even MORE!?" Ken asked in disbelief.

"That would be my team." The tall guy said, walking through them to stand at the gate.

* * *

Chrissy looked nervously at Tory as she and the others got out of Tory's car; she had been against Tory coming- but Tom's sister had been pretty chill when she found out that Chrissy and Josh had super powers.

"All right- no one go crazy!" Tory instructed by waving her arms over her head- but the unhinged look in her eyes kind of discredited her words, "We're not going to blast anyone with wind, fire -or FORCE fields!"

"Well, your not." Tom said and walked past his sister to the gate.

Tory glared as Josh, Lee and Chrissy followed Tom to the gate. On the other side of the gate they were greeted by Hudson- confirming Chrissy's suspicions that he had given them the invites.

No one said anything and Chrissy ducked her head when Hudson sought out her gaze.

"Ok- what's going on!?" Tory demanded to know as she came through them.

Hudson nodded to the chairs around the unlit bonfire, "Have a seat." He invited.

Lee gasped in surprise as she and the others registered who was standing around the yard, "I knew Golden Boy was involved!" she hissed to Tom, but he was only looking at Garbage Girl.

Josh snorted in disgust, "This is stupid- I'm out of here!" he turned to go back through the gate.

Chrissy saw a muscle in Hudson's jaw go tight, and he thrust out his arm, his ungloved fist striking the house's brick wall with a crunch- blocking Josh's exit.

Everyone's eyes bulged out of their heads as they stared at Hudson's fist; it was a metallic silver- as if made of some kind of metal! Josh audibly gulped- probably thinking of when that fist had collided with his jaw.

"Have a seat." Hudson repeated a bit more aggressively.

I would love love love to hear what you think, honestly, any feedback is welcome :) 

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