Episode 8 Windy

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December 2nd, One week later, Christmas parade

"OH I love Christmas parades- don't you!?" Chick said as she practically forced her way between Alex and Amanda on the downtown side walk where the girls were sitting waiting for the parade to start.

Alex and Amanda had decided to see the parade together- but had run into Chick. Alex uneasily wondered if it really was an accident. For the past few months Chick had been trying to worm her way into the group. She couldn't hang out with the other team- no! she had to pretend that she was one of THEM!

Quiz practices had been near joyless ever since Chick and the other team had joined them- but Alex was too nice to tell the blonde to get lost, so she shifted and listened as the bubbly girl went on and on about how she loved Christmas.

"And before you know it- we'll be up north in January for the next Quiz Meet!" Chick said happily.

Alex swallowed hard as she thought about it, ever since the last Quiz meet one week ago, all anyone could ask Alex, was why she had jumped so soon for the last question. Alex couldn't give them a good answer, she couldn't even give herself one. All she knew, was that she hadn't moved... and yet her buzzer had gone off. She had begun to have crazy ideas; this was the second time something weird had happened after she had tried 'dispelling' her migraine, but she hadn't told anyone about her idea- well... she had talked a little with Mike. 

* * *

 "Why did you jump for that question?" Amanda couldn't stop herself from asking again- she knew it annoyed Alex.

"No, the question is; why did you jump so soon?" Chick clarified, then both she and Amanda stared at Alex for an answer.

Amanda's friend shrugged- like she did every time someone asked.

Amanda frowned and looked away down the street- if Alex was tired of being asked, then Amanda was tired of not getting an answer! Ever since she and Mike got home from Germany, Alex had been acting strange- even Mike was being weird! She knew that Alex didn't like Chick and the other quiz team- but Amanda didn't see why, she was beginning to warm up to Chick, and Jackson wasn't bad to be around, even Lisa and Spencer weren't so bad once you got to know them! And Maddison was like the cool big sister that everyone wants!

But NOOOOO! Alex had to act all paranoid or something! Running away from Chick and Maddison in the library, believing that Maddison was part of some failed plot to kidnap Alex and Anita Halloween night- oh yeah, Alex had told her about that night, and Amanda had told her what she thought; ridiculous!

Down the street Amanda could see the parade beginning, the wind picked up and blew her scarf into Chick's face.

Chick giggled and brushed the scarf away, "But seriously- why did you jump so early?" Chick pressed.

Amanda waited for Alex's response, the red head shrugged and frowned, "I don't know- I messed up! that can happen!"

"I've never seen you mess up like that." Amanda said, letting her irritation at her friend bubble out a little.

Chick giggled again, "And I thought Tracy was the only one who could bum lift without anyone noticing!"

Alex gave her 'I don't really feel like laughing but I'm too polite not to' laugh, while Amanda looked away. She hadn't told Alex or the others, but she had heard some rumors; some people thought that Alex had cheated somehow. Obviously, someone else in that room had seen how little Alex had moved when her buzzer had gone off, and that 'someone' wasn't above spreading rumors. Amanda didn't think Alex had cheated... but she didn't know what else to think.

The first float of the parade made it's way down the street, and a kid gave the girls candy canes. Chick waved and cheered for every person who walked by, well Alex was mostly silent- what was going on with her!?

A teen with a tall sign for their high school came next- the teen looked like he was having trouble holding up the sign- like there was meant to be a second person to help him hold the sign

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A teen with a tall sign for their high school came next- the teen looked like he was having trouble holding up the sign- like there was meant to be a second person to help him hold the sign.

The wind picked up a lot all of a sudden, blowing sand from the road into the girl's faces- forcing them to cover their eyes, but through her fingers Amanda saw a kid dressed as an elf get knocked to the ground by the wind. Someone across the road lost their hat, and decorations from a nearby float fell over. The teen holding the sign for her high school struggled to hold into it.

"A little help here!?" the boy called out. A girl from further back came running up and grabbed hold of the sign with him. She had olive toned skin and wavy curly hair- she looked a bit familiar to Amanda.

Just as soon as it had started- the wind stopped, and people cheered as the parade continued. Amanda noticed that Chick's face had gone suddenly quite serious.

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(this seems like a good place for this picture :) )

Mike took a deep breath as he sat on his living room couch, then he closed his eyes and concentrated with all his might.

Amanda came in the front door, "Man! It is windy out there- you should have seen it!"

Mike opened his eyes; the room was as it had been before he closed his eyes- his sister was no where to be seen. Just then the front door opened, and Amanda stepped inside, "Man! It is windy out there- you should have seen it!" she said and dumped her purse on a coffee table.

Mike breathed in unbelief, he squeezed his eyes shut again; the room was as it had been, then the front door opened and Amanda stepped in, "Man! It is windy out there- you should have seen it!" she said... again.

Mike's eyes snapped open and Amanda was staring at him, her coat half off.

"NO WAY!" he breathed.

Amanda frowned, "No way what!? Why are you so weird?"

Mike grinned.

Well? How are you liking Super BLAND? and what do you think is going on with Mike? 

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