Episode 30 Be mine?

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February 14th, Two weeks later, Valentines day, Bus stop

"Ready?" Lee asked as she and Tom waited outside in the chilly air for their bus at eight fifteen in the morning. White speaks of snow floated about from the overcast sky, and the cars on the road slushed through snow drifts.

Tom shrugged and looked up and down the street; there was no one in sight- Lee had already checked.

She took a deep breath and closed her wingtiped eyes (she had worked extra hard on her makeup that day) her fingers twitched slightly as she concentrated. Her teal eyes flew open when she heard Tom make a grunt.

The snow tunneled about them caught on air currents generated by Lee, as if they were the center of a tornado- not a single snowflake came near them. The snow at their feet spun about- Lee breathed a laugh- it looked like the special effects of a superhero movie!

"That's legit." Tom mumbled.

Lee nodded in agreement- she had been practicing this for a few weeks now. She willed the wind about them to still just as their school bus rounded the corner at the end of the street.

* * *

Chrissy held her books against her chest and took a deep breath; sometimes the tension in her body made her want to scream! But she never liked people looking at her, so she always held it in.

The class room emptied and the students hurried off for lunch, Chrissy shoved her books into her shoulder bag, and flicked her short hair aside as Josh approached her.

"Hey." He grinned mysteriously at her.

"Hey?" she responded with a questioning frown.

"Can I walk you to your locker?"

"Um... ah..." Chrissy stuttered, "Yeah... I guess." She was beginning to feel quite nervous.

Josh accompanied her to her locker in silence through the busy halls, but when she turned a corner and saw her locker she stopped in her tracks and her mouth went slack.

A giant red paper heart was taped to her locker, on it read 'To Chrissy; be mine? Love Josh.'

Chrissy felt her face go red as she realized that several teens were staring and giggling at her.

"Say yes." Josh whispered close to her ear, then he bent closer to kiss her cheek.

Chrissy didn't think- she just reacted.

Josh jerked his head back as if he had slammed into a glass wall before getting to her face. He blinked in surprise and Chrissy side stepped away biting her lip.

"Hola Chrissy." Chrissy was saved by what ever Josh would have said by the timely accented voice of Gabino.

She turned and froze; had everyone gone mad that day!? Gabino wore a black sweater vest with the dark red sleeves and collar of a dress shirt poking out. His dark curly hair was (as always) styled in a 'I woke up this way' kind of way that took a fair bit of hair product to master. His smile was charming- in a flirty way, and he held out the teen version of a rose; a red carnation.

"Happy Valentines day." He said smoothly as Josh glared at him from behind Chrissy. Chrissy was certain that her face was Christmas red. She hesitantly took the flower and offered a smile.

"T-thanks Gabino- um you too." She stuttered and turned herself so that she could see both boys; Josh was frowning the way boys do when they realize they've been out matched, and Gabino's smile seemed to be waiting for something more.

But Chrissy had nothing more to say to them! "Ah- I should get to my locker... so- thanks." She waved the flower at the boys and backed away, feeling a bit like she was that guy from Jurassic world with the raptors.

She spun about and darted to her locker; the giant red heart looked even more garish up close. She burned with embarrassment and anger knowing that Josh had put it there knowing that everyone passing by would see it. She wanted to rip it off- but she knew that the boys were still watching her through the crowded hall.

She opened her locker and stepped back when a red envelope fluttered out, she picked it up with trepidation; it was a valentines.

Hope your day is bearable!

It was hand written and a sticker of a fluffy teddy bare decorated one side, it was signed simply.


Chrissy swallowed hard; when she had decided to be a new girl- this isn't really what she had in mind! What ever tension she had lost in her body by stopping Josh's kiss, had returned with a vengeance.

Looking over her shoulder she was relieved to see that the boys had moved on. Chrissy wasted no time in ripping the paper heart off her locker and stuffing it, the flower and the valentines in her locker before slamming it shut.

* * *

Tom stopped short as Lee pointed her finger skyward in a universal sign of 'quite'. They had stopped on the short flight of steps that led up to the main hallways of the school- the bell would soon ring for forth period and the halls were near empty- except for the two teens who were talking around the corner above the stairs. Through the distorted glass of a trophy display case Tom and Lee could see the ever-tall Hudson, from the way he was stooped they knew he was talking to someone much shorter then him.

"Well I've been working my butt off keeping an eye on ten of them- you've been too busy giving out valentines to notice anything about your five!" a girls voice hissed in frustration and anger.

Tom and Lee exchanged a look that said neither of them recognized the bubbly sweet voice.

"Relax- I've got it under control." Hudson said soothingly.

"No; your distracted- I know the difference." The girl sounded a bit patronizing.

Hudson sighed, "I'm multitasking."

"Oh really? I thought you were flirting. Don't forget why we're here Hudson." The girl scolded, what she said next made Tom shiver.

"Just keep a close eye on Tom and Lee- ok?"

They heard the girl walk away, and Hudson heaved his big shoulders in a sigh then he left too.

Tom and Lee rounded the corner and watched as their team mate walked down the hall.

"What... was that?" Tom finally asked.

"Creepy." Lee responded, "Suddenly this makes more sense though." She held up a folded note, "Found it in my locker earlier."

It was an unsigned note.

Is it getting windy in here- or is it just you?

Tom swallowed hard then looked back up as Hudson turned a corner, "I told you he was hiding something." Tom said quietly.

Ok, time to talk about ships.... Josh, Gabino or Hudson... to me one is an obvious NO, but the other two... I can't really decide.

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