Episode 57 Powers

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"So, you don't have laser eyes?"

Lee snorted a laugh, "NO!" she watched with a smile as Golden Boy shifted nervously.

"Oh." He said- then a cute grin grew side ways on his face, and Lee laughed again.

After the Moon siblings (Maddison, Chick and Hudson) had explained everything that they knew, and everyone else told their sides of the story, they had sat around the crackling fire in silence- just thinking. That lasted fifteen minutes before everyone's curiosity got the better of them, and a demonstration of super powers went around the circle, with Ken, Tory and Madison sitting back in awe and astonishment. Then they had broken off into small groups and pares to talk even more.

"And what about you!?" Lee asked as she flopped her curly hair over, she was feeling a bit self conscious, "Time travel!? You didn't really explain that."

Mike grinned fully then closed his eyes, a moment later he opened them, "Tom's about to make the fire flare up and Amanda's about to yell at me." He said smugly.

Lee looked to Tom- and sure enough he made the bonfire flare up- making A few people squeal. Lee smiled, then looked at Mike slyly, "Ok- so you can see into the future."

"I'm a time lord!" Mike bragged.

* * *

"More like a minute lord!" Amanda yelled at her brother, who was trying to impress the wind girl.

Alex and Ken laughed at Mike's perturbed look.

"This is insane." Ken breathed, "You guys have super powers!"

Alex laughed nervously, and Amanda made a self pleased face and struck a muscle building pose- which made Alex and Ken laugh again.

"Hey very nice!" Josh called out and winked at Amanda. She glared at him and turned her back- it hadn't taken her long to figure out he was trouble!

Probably to change the topic from Josh, Alex raised her voice to Lee, "I'm sorry we were spying on you." She winced through her apology.

Lee rolled her eyes, "I think we've established that we've all been spying on each other!" Alex, Amanda and Mike laughed, "It's O.K! I forgive you!" Lee said with sass.

"MEEE TOOO!" Someone cried out in a funny whiny voice.

* * *

"So you got super sensitive eyes too?" Jackson asked.

Nicky adjusted his glasses, he still felt intimidated by the older, taller boy, "Um not really- I just have great vision. You know like, I can zoom in real close!" Nicky emphasised by leaning closer to Jackson, but immediately regretted it when Jackson leaned away and gave him a weird look.

"like a... magnifying glass?" Jackson guessed.

"More like a telescope." Tracy interrupted and stepped forward beside Nicky. Nicky was taken by surprise by how bold she was, since when did she cut in on conversations!?

Jackson nodded, "Cool- I can see in the dark."

Nicky felt put down, but Tracy apparently was feeling quite brave, "I healed my own skeletal structure." She put forth her brag.

Jackson tilted his head back, "I can hear the individual sixteen heart beats of everyone here."

For a moment they were quiet.

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