three years after Praimfaya (Praimfire)

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Frag op
She gripped the sword tighter. The handle already made prints into her palm. She looked over to the side, at her Blodreina. Octavia gave her a curt nod. She nodded back before turning to the last fighter. This arena was bloody and four bodies were still lying on the ground.

Frag op
The crowd screamed with grounder language and also the skaikru. They screamed for death, for them to end it. Her opponent smirked at her before jumping on the balls of his toes. His cocky stance made her internally roll her eyes. Before the noise could get any louder he jumped into attack.

He swung the sword at her but she sidestepped him before she put her leg out. He tripped and landed straight on his face. She would have laughed if this would be training, but this was not. He was weakened from the fight, it was taking way too long and even she was feeling how her shoulders were sore, he got on his fourth. This time she pulled him by his shoulder on his back. His hand grabbed the sword but before he could swing she stepped on his hand. He cried out. Her old self would stop but Octavia didn't train her to be weak. She gripped the sword before twisting the blade opposite of his chest. She didn't look at his face before pushing the sword straight into his heart.

The screams grew louder. And she looked up again. Octavia put her palm up a sign for her win. The people around starter banging on the bars around.

        Gona gon wamplei

They all yelled her name that she got used to. Looking around herself she felt like a wild animal in a cage. Looking through the bars at the loud screeching crowd. Sometimes the people around her disgusted her. All screaming for death of others, spit flying around in their rage filled screaming. Shoving themselves aggressively to get a good look at her. She let the sword in his body not bothering to pull it out. Without another glance to people around, she walked out. Fleimkepa waited for her outside. Gaia had features of Indra yet she found a way to smile more. Gaia unclipped her armor. Years of practice. She did it for her multiple times a month in these three years.

"You did great!" Gaia stated before securing the hatches of her armor on. Gaia gave her a dimmed smile and handed her her sword.

"Thank you." She smiled slightly. Her eyes looking around quickly. Searching the hall in a small hope of seeing Octavia. Or maybe just searching for potential enemies and escapes.

"Blodreina will see you soon." They made eye contact and Gaia's eyes still held the smile she did not let show.

"Will Indra be there?" She asked because Indra was her mentor if Octavia had leaders work. She counted her as her closest friend. Well as close as a person could be with a woman that hardly showed emotion.

"Maybe, but Ethan for sure." She nodded back and smiled slightly excited to see Ethan. The boy was only nine yet his will was strong enough to stand up. He was counted as her small family. The only family she had left. Not that she had much to begin with.

"You should go before people come flooding in the hall Primrose!" She nodded at Gaia and smiled again. Almost forgetting the blood on her hands when she called her her name. That's the moment she walked out.


That's the sword she used I just thought why not show you how it looked. Gona gon wamplei- warrior of death.

Warrior of Death|On HoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon