first day of talking to Bellamy

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Primrose watched as Clarke chatted with Bellamy whose eyes were red from unshed tears. Echo was talking but keeping her distance from the pair and Primrose could see the jealousy swirling in her eyes. Even though she tried to hide it. The Monty guy was smiling at everyone with Harper by his side. Then there was Murphy, the guy clearly didn't know what to do besides making stupid remarks. Emory stood by the side of Raven clearly trying to stay the furthest from Murphy. Whether their romance ended or just had some bump Primrose didn't know. Raven was staring at Primrose with wary eyes and she did not like that. Only she could stare like that at someone.

They were sitting by a camp just outside the Valley and hidden at the start of the desert. Everyone was talking in groups, Primrose ignoring everyone around trying not to think about what will Octavia say about her failing.

,, So I guess it wasn't fun surviving here huh?!" Murphy said jokingly and everyone looked at him. Primrose didn't know after what he said if he was mentally alright but it was clear no one appreciated it at the moment. He sensed it and looked at Primrose. His looks scorching trouble.

,, And you are exactly what?" Primrose tilted her head at him, her lips in a grim line and her face impassive. She didn't know exactly how to answer. She herself didn't know what she was. Or more likely who she was.

,, Gona gon wamplei!" She answered than simply the same answer everyone would say about her. Echo burned the side of her face with her stare. The dark-haired girl pretended not to notice, but she already knew her thoughts.

,, Warrior of death?" She asked unsurely. Primrose turned towards her and nodded. What else could she possibly be? Octavia's heir maybe, a pretty girl maybe,  warrior maybe, but for sure she was death.

,, Shes Octavia's second!" Clarke butted in and Primrose's eyes strained to her. Her face was set blank and it made Damon slightly annoyed. She was so hard to read. Always ready to lie, never revealing an emotion.

,, Blodreina's second!" Primrose corrected and everyone looked at her. Almost all of them with confusion. But she wasn't going to tell anything else. Telling something about her leader was almost a crime. Especially if they could become enemies. Bellamy was the one who understood and turned to Clarke. He loved his sister dearly and she was still his responsibility.

,, And they took the girl?" Clarke nodded her head. Her mood turning glum. She felt very motherly towards the girl and was ready to do anything. Monty looked towards Harper with a sad look, they were nervous about revealing their secret.

,, And you found him," Raven stated. Her look was trained to Primrose. Who nodded at her. Raven still made her uncomfortable. The woman looked around with self-assured wisdom and confidence, too smart for her own good. Or maybe stupid Primrose wasn't sure as she read the emotions clearly in her brown eyes. Damon looked at Primrose with a frown. He hated that they talked as if he wasn't there. But he wasn't going to complain out loud. No matter how sexy he thought Primrose to be he wasn't stupid to say anything.

,, Yes, and I'm still thinking about his value." Her typical monotone voice breaks his process of thoughts. Of course, she would say this. Damon takes a deep breath not to tell her his opinion about her also. Murphy let out a laugh and grins at Primrose. she looks at him with pursed lips, it would probably cost a person bleeding before her for her to smile. And then there's a deadly silence. Everyone seems to go in awkward silence and Primrose hides her smile. She makes them nervous. Her hand goes to her knives again and she touches the blades. Her eyes close, her mind settling down again feeling more secure.

Her eyes connect with Damons and he takes in a sharp breath. It always surprises him how easily she makes him captivated by those eyes. Then she squints them in a threatening manner. Damon gives her a smirk in return enjoying how unsurely she eyes him. He was ready to lay down and sleep. Already out of breath with the things that went down today. With one last look towards the woman he deemed exceptionally beautiful, he lays down.

Here's another one, after such a long time, I know.

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