not much first time lying

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Her head was laying on the table before her. She spoke to Damon, asking if Diyoza's offer was honest. He said yes that she didn't really want to fight, but her people did. Those words made her even more nervous. Octavia was sitting before her, twisting her fingers.

"Do you think the girl Clarke was talking about is a Nightblood?" Primrose groaned. Her commander was more and more paranoid. She sat up, nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Clarke told me that she made her in the lab." Her commander made eye contact. To not squirm in her seat, she pushed her back into her seat.

"Do you think she's lying?" Primrose let out a breath. Did she think Clarke lied to her? Yes. Was she going to tell her commander who would probably hang the girl? No

"I have no reason to not trust her." Octavias eyes squinted at her. Yeah, with the red paint on her forehead Octavia looked even more threatening. But she raised her, and Primrose owed Octavia her life. She was the only family she had left.

"I do." Primrose licked her lips, and her eyes slid over the wall. The eye contact was making her feel guilty.

"She's just a girl." Octavia smiled at her. Threatening smile.

"Are you forgetting that the commanders are usually just children." A huff left her. How could she forget something Gaia was always reminding. She repeated the story about Nightloods just as much she repeated that love was a weakness.

"She's just a girl who is a prisoner at the enemy territory. And no one is rushing to save her!" Octavia pushed a plate before herself before swallowing the meat. Omon gon oson was repeated under her breath. Vomit rose from her stomach as always. That was one of the many reasons why, Primrose barely ate, she could go much longer without food.

"What about Diyozas offer?" She could do her best to distract herself. Octavias eyes met hers, and Primrose did her best to swallow the sickness back down.

"I will let them leave." Her eyebrows rose in surprise. Who was lying now, Primrose thought. But she didn't ask about what would she do about them.

Meanwhile at Diyozas camp

Kane had to lesson to yelling the first part of their travel. A man with an enraged look, McCreary, was yelling at their pilot. The only word Kane caught was that the weapon system locked. Then he learned just why they were happy that Abby was here.

Diyozas men had a disease. Abby called it pulmonary edema, something from what they were mining. Kane became even more unsure when Diyoza brought the first man Abby was supposed to cure, Vinson.

Diyozas parting words were, "Keep your hands and legs from his mouth, and you should be fine." The words brought a shiver of disgust down his back.

Once he learned that the frightening leader of the criminals was pregnant, he was nervous. Her men were divided by the vision she had.

"The bunker is like a Pandora's box," Diyoza told him once he talked about Octavia and loyal supporters. He learned that the woman before him was so much more than her threatening words.

Warrior of Death|On HoldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang