fourth day being at Polis

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Primrose could feel it. The tension between her people, the tension between her commander and her brother. It made her nervous. So nervous that she hasn't put down all of her gear since they began marching back. She was ready to kill. Who? She wasn't sure about that.

"You seem agitated," Indra spoke carefully. Primrose's eyes searched around the destroyed Polis.

"Don't know what you're talking about!" Indra gave her a cheeky smile, taunting her, "Of course you don't." She turned around her brown eyes squinting on the man being pushed behind them.

"Does it have something to do with him?" Primrose's eyes snapped to hers in a second.

She had a very frustrated look, "Like I said I don't know what you're talking about." Turning around she made eye contact with the man who's been keeping her up at night. Scoffing aloud she turned back around, she was frustrated. She opened herself to him but she also didn't understand what were these feelings meaning.

"You know sometimes love is not a weakness." Primrose closed her eyes. This wasn't love was it tho. Those words seemed so sweet but it seemed she was drowning in them. Turning fully around so she was facing her mentor.

"Warriors don't love!" With those words, she turned around marching towards her commander. Taking a deep breath she pushed the doors to the main room. Octavia was sitting at the table her eyes fixated onto the wall, mind so far away.

"Octavia—" the ground started to shake and both of them shared a nervous glance. Octavia was out of her seat in a second running out of the door. Primrose followed, and they found themselves looking at a group of criminals with a woman in front. Her people were pushing themselves further away. Octavia's face masked into a fearless leader as she pushed herself forward. Primrose's throat tightened, but she still marched behind her leader. Standing before weapons that she had no idea what power they have.

"We don't have to fight, I am offering peace" —the ground shook again as containers landed behind Colonel Diyoza— "accept and we can all live peacefully in the Valley. All we ask for is a second chance." Octavia scoffed, and a nervous feeling settled inside Primorse's stomach.

This was her first time standing before the woman Damon talked about. She didn't look like a killer, but neither did Primrose. Her throat tightened at the weapon that was pointed at her commander. What could it do?

"We will go." Her brows furrowed. Why did Kane and Abby want to go?

"Of course you will, you traitors!" Her frown deepened even more. Their betrayal stung, but she had other things to worry about. Her gaze focused on the man holding the weapon. She felt like driving a bullet through his scalp. Her fingers itched, and she slowly reached behind her back.

"All of you who want to join us can. There will be a ship waiting for you." With those words, she turned. Diyoza threw a threatening look towards the man holding the weapon as if to say back off. And then everything went down so fast she could barely pull out her own gun. The weapon made a frightening sound, and Primrose jumped before Octavia covering her with her body just as the weapon went off.

She heard shouts and not feeling any pain she picked up her head. The dissolving body made her want to vomit. What was the weapon that it could do so much? Stumbling onto her feet, she pulled out her gun. Her vision blurred. But once it steadied she realized it was too late and the ship was already flying away.

Primrose cursed angrily.

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