five years after Praimfaya

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She blocked his punch before blocking another.


Primrose must admit that Nate was fast. But Octavia and Indra trained her too well to be just thrown off guard. She blocked his right hook before throwing her own fist into his throat.


When her fist collided with his throat he stumbled backward. But before he could regain his balance she twisted in the air and kicked him in his chest.


His back hit the wall and Primrose kicked his legs to send him to ground. When he fell face first she was on top of him and pushing his hand up. He grunted in pain before he clapped on the ground giving up.

She smirked before pushing her hair from her face. Some red strands fell from her ponytail. Primrose gave him a hand and he accepted.

,, Your fast almost thought I would lose." She chuckled before fixing her ponytail.
,, I saw you fighting with Octavia, so I doubt I would win!" Nate said wiping his sweat.

,, Yeah I ended on a ground." Primrose answered back and her forehead wrinkled. Oh, how she hates seeing the ground constantly.
,, Maybe yes but you lasted longer than most of the soldiers!" The way how his eyes shown sincerity it made her shot her mouth tight. She smiled slightly at him.

,, Gotta go it's time to check the sectors." He said and opened the doors. Eric stood behind with a smile. It made Primrose grin. She liked Nathan's and Eric's relationship, they were both so sweet to one another. Eric gave her a nod with a smile before they both walked away. Primrose herself walked soon out of their training room. She walked to their archery that was also in sector C, with food plants.

The targets were on walls and a line was opposite of them about forty meters away. When Primrose walked in she walked straight to the table with bows and arrows. She did not waste time and for her favor, no one was here, it was dinner time already. She secured the scabbard on her back before putting arrows in. She put only ten, for her no more were needed. Then she took the bow and tested the bowstring. When it chimed she knew it was great for her.

She stood at the line before pulling the arrow out. Her moves were slow like the slowest melody. She put the arrow in and pulled the chord. She aimed with steady eye and released. The arrow hit its target straight in middle. But she was oblivious to the people watching her from the staircase.

,, She has the talent for nineteen-year-old." Indra said to her Blodraina.
,, Do you remember when you told me that the spirit of someone who will keep getting up is rare?!" Octavia asked back. Indra nodded in a gesture of knowing all too well.

,, She has it too, when we started she wasn't good, she kept falling down but she kept getting up. Fighting more and now she is starting to get almost good as me." Octavia admitted with a smile. She reminded herself of Primrose falling straight on her nose and then grunting about giving up. But she never did.
,, Yes I must say that I wasn't counting on a girl from Trishanakru to become your dependant." Octavia let out a quit humorless laugh. Something that sounded almost forbidden to her own ears. 

,, She has the same joy spirit like Ilian, that is what brought me to take her in, but one day she will be able to beat me with ease!" Indra looked distractedly at Primrose. On the way how she with fast and perfect movements fired the arrow and didn't miss the target. The way how she jumped and spin in the air and still hit straight.
,, They respect her." Indra said.

,, Yes and I'm glad that they respect her because she believes in Wonkru so if I will die she will be a great leader." Octavia knew that Primrose did not like the thought of becoming a leader. For her, it was boring and hard and she was more of a warrior.

,, True." Indra answered back before going back to watching.


That's how her hair looks. And the chapters will be longer.

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