first day of slicing palms

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Damon leaned onto the wooden house. He sighed as Primrose patched him up. His body ached.

,, You have a nice aim by the way." She looked up at him with an impassive face. She never really used any other. Then she shook her head and bandaged his leg. The woman seemed to have only one face - bored.

,, That was the blonde woman, if it would've been me you would have an arrow in your head." He slightly choked and she smirked. Then she stood up and picked up a cup with water.

,, The only reason you're still alive is that you know how your ship looks like." He raised his eyes to her and raised an eyebrow. She was the type that loves control.

,, How nice." Damon smirked at her before siping the water. His eyes zoomed on the blonde woman behind Primrose. Clarke seemed to look as if she's trying to kill everything around her only with looks.

,, The woman looks like killing you!" He pointed out and as an answer, he got a shrug. Primrose sighed and sat down.

,, She won't be the only one." Primrose answered after a minute her gaze in her cup of water. She seemed dazed as if remembering all those who want to kill her. And hell she had a lot of names. She wouldn't be able to count them on both hands.

,, Wow, how weird when you're such a ray of sunshine." He joked and sat beside her. But Primrose wasn't the one for jokes. She looked at him her face set hard, expression almost deadly for the people around her.

,, Do I look like someone who cares about other peoples opinion. Or someone who gives a shit about your jokes?!" It wasn't even that much of a question. She pulled out her knife and started to sharpen the knife. She looked like a deadly weapon. And maybe she was.

,, Do you think your people will agree to peace?" She asked after a suffocating silence. Damon looked at her. He saw Colonel Diyoza only once and that was enough for him. A woman like her wasn't for him. Maybe even Primrose wasn't a woman for him. But he had to admit she was attractive.

,, If you offer a good price." He said quietly. He wasn't sure about it but he hoped Diyoza wasn't that stupid to send her people to war. He hoped that she would accept pease between the only people that are now alive.

,, Will your leader accept?" Primrose looked at her knife and twisted it in her hand until the light from the sun was reflecting on her head. Then she shook her head to get rid of the thoughts she was starting to get.

,, I hope." Her voice was insecure and even Primrose noticed. But Damon didn't say anything. Again he could only hope. Primrose looked towards Clarke.

,, You have nothing to mourn over Wanheda she is still alive maybe as a hostage but still alive!" Clarke abruptly stood up and knocked over the bucket of water. She threw a knife but to everyone surprise, Primrose caught the knife. She caught it to her palm right next to her head just before it could hit Damon.

,, You truly have a shitty aim." She retorts towards Clarke and then she stabbed the knife into the log. Her palm was cut thru but she hasn't paid notice. She stood up samely high as Clarke.

,, I promise you Clarke that I will get her out even if it means bleeding. Octavia raised me to fight and win at all cost and right now letting them take Madi is a good reason!" Clarke looked at her for a moment. Primrose was only trained to be a warrior, to be a leader. Clarke understood that. Leaders do everything for their people.

,, Do you understand how many of us will follow to battle to get her back, to save her. Having her inside will give us reason to follow her inside!" Primrose stood taller now, as a leader. She looked like someone who Octavia wanted her to be. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to be like this.

,, And even if they wouldn't I promise you that I will get her to you!" Then she put her cut palm forward. Clarke's eyes gazed from her hand to her eyes. All while Damon stared with confusion. Then Clarke pulled out another dagger and slightly sliced her palm. Now Damon's mouth was opened, his jaw almost touching the floor.

,, I take my promises seriously." Primrose stated just before Clarke's hand was in hers. They did a firm handshake their eyes blazing dangerously. And Clarke believed her that she will save Madi, even bleeding.

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