"millionth" day of realizing his feeling

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Bellamy looked over the fire at the blonde woman before him. He was surrounded by people but she was the only one he was paying attention to. Not the killer girl that sat alone, so close to his sister and so dangerous she could probably kill him without blinking. Not the guy, Damien, who he barely knew, and who also tried to sit as close to Primrose as he could. Not Monty who sat close to Harper his hand wrapped around her and a small smile as John made stupid jokes. Not Emori who did her best to ignore John and talked to Raven. Not to Raven who tried to listen to Emori but her attention was closely on the bearer of death. Nor to Echo who he had a complicated relationship with. Only the blonde woman with red streak.

He thought he already forget those feelings that he did his best to hide. The truth was that he had and always will have a soft spot for Clarke. She was the only one except for his sister that he had blindly followed, tried to save. One of the people who he was ready to die for.

,, How did you survive down there?" Raven spoke up and all attention turned towards Primrose. Who was as always sharpening her knife. With furrowed brows, she looked around the fire. Her hand tightening over the hilt and Bellamy was sure she wouldn't answer.

,, We survived by doing what we had to do." Again with the cryptic answer, he could tell that everyone around the fire was already annoyed. By this time Bellamy didn't even want to know the truth. Whatever Octavia did was better to stay buried that's all he tried to say to himself. Damien moved closer to the mysterious girl and Bellamy noticed the look in his eyes. He had the same quit often.

With that thought, his eyes transferred to the woman before him. He thought of those fin lips that he wanted to taste at least once in his life. Feeling a burning stare from his profile he turned. Making eye contact with scorching eyes of Echo's. She squints them and he could already hear those thoughts running through her mind. He could already hear the accusing tone of hers.

Slowly standing up Echo makes her way towards him and squeezes his shoulder. Bellamy knew that this indicated that he had to follow her. By standing up he felt every attention on them and automatically made eye contact with Clarke. She had furrowed eyebrows but other than that she showed no emotion. He felt stupid for hoping that she would feel at least a twinge of jealousy. He follows after the tall woman who stops not so far away from the group.

After a moment of silence, Echo speaks up her thoughts, "I don't know why, but I knew this day was gonna come." She unsurely takes a step forward taking his hand in hers. The coldness from them makes him want to shiver.

,, But the truth is that I will always support you and I want from you to be happy." That was what he liked about her. How simple she was, that no matter what she didn't cling to the emotions she didn't feel that strongly. He knew she probably felt jealous, but she put it aside for him. But he wasn't that simple, he didn't know what he truly felt. Could he give away what he had for, Echo just because of some maybe fleeting feelings for Clarke?

Now he knew that he was lying to himself. Those feelings weren't fleeting and he knew that. Taking a deep breath he finally pushed those words out of himself, "will you stay with us?" She smiles, wrinkles appearing at the sides of her eyes.

,, What else would I possibly do." A small giggle flows past her lips before she cups his face. Her eyes show how she tries to stay strong not to be drowned with the pain. Giving him a small peck on his lips she smiles. Her eyes going soft. " Just tell her how you feel!"

With that, she walks away and leaves him with only questions in mind. His mind unsurely tells him to go back, but his steps are unsure. His mind bubbling with so many opinions. He shouldn't be even thinking about this, he had more pressuring matters at hand. When he came back he saw only Emori tossing a stinky look towards John.

,, The rest went to bed." She answeres his thoughts before picking herself away and marching off. John looked after her longingly before walking in another direction. Bellamy sighed at the two humans. He knew that he didn't want to make the same mistake as John did, by letting Clarke go. So with sure steps, he walked towards her tent but before he could reveal his feelings there was gunshot ringing all around him. Then shouting as Primrose pushed him to the ground killing the man behind him.


so how did you all enjoy your holidays? If you had any...

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