second time opening up

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"Go I have it under control." The sound of her commanding voice brought him out of his thoughts. His brows furrowed as the curtains of the tent open.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He spoke up as her flawless body stepped in his eyesight. Sitting up Damon crossed his arms. While those capturing eyes of hers searched the whole room. Just now noticing the grounder in the corner.

"Bants!" *leave* Damon's brow raises as she used that unknown language to him. The grounder looked at him before bowing and marching slowly out. "Are you here to let me out," He asks hopefully. Primrose lets a small smile take over her face. She looked at the ground coyly.

"I wish-" she pauses slowly assessing the claustrophobic room "-I'll ask them to bring you bath." Damon's eyes seem to widen and he tried his best to suppress a smirk.

"Will you stay and take one with me?" This time Primrose let the laugh bubble out. Damon's smile only widens as he hears her laugh for the first time. His grin makes her gaze return to the floor as a blush appears on her face.

"I'll probably have to since there is no guard." That small joke brings out a snort past his lips. But that humor leaves immediately as she bites her lower lip sensually. Before Damon's mind could make the scenery of them making out she swiftly turns around and sticks her head out of the tent. That as always when he's in her presence draws his eyes to her backside. She says something in that language of hers before walking back inside. Sitting at one of the chairs he can easily sense her discomfort.

"Are you here to tell me I'm going to be killed." A small smile graces her lips as she relaxes at the sound of his voice. She shakes her head, looking sideways. It still confused her, being open with someone.

"No. I wouldn't let Octavia do that." Their eyes meet again and his whole being tensed. Primrose held eye contact and something in him sparked at the sight of her blown-out pupils. Leaning forward he rests his elbows on his knees. "Really? So if she would come marching into this room, you would put your loyalties aside." Her deep eyes search his.

"I-" She doesn't get to finish as two men come marching into the tent carrying wooden tub. Two women walk behind them carrying three buckets and something that looked very similar to a medical kit. Primrose pulls her attention away and turns, "mochof." *, thank you*.

Damon's eyes don't leave her as she takes the things from them and fills the bathtub. It only has minimal water but it would still be enough for him to wash the dirt away. She opened the small box and pulled out disinfection. Spilling some on the cotton pad she walks slowly towards the muscular man on the makeshift bed.

"I'll clean it so it doesn't get infected." Her fingers take a hold of his chin, tilting his head back. She dips the cotton onto the cut from the sand. "He pushed you down quite hard."

"Yeah, I definitely, wasn't expecting my first sight of sand, after years, being up this close." He tries to lighten the mood and it slightly works from distracting him from the stinging. Almost as revenge for joking, she pushes harder making him let out a whine.

"We march back to the bunker tomorrow. We'll stay there for some time to regroup and rethink our decisions-" She says the last part with a more wishing tone "-than all of our people will march here." Her fingers traced over his temple. Her eyes dip to her feet, "I hope that you'll decide to come with and not run?" Damon let's his eyes fixed urgently onto her face. Searching her eyes. Taking her fingers into his, he gently takes the cotton out of her hands. Making eye contact again he slowly stands up. Being almost head taller makes him tower above her, not letting go of her hand he steps even closer. Invading her personal space and making her breath hitch.

"I'll follow you and I think you already know that." Then he sent her a cheeky grin as he pulled away. It only widened as he noticed her frustrated state. Pulling his shirt over his head, he gave her another toothy smile.

"Should I stay in my briefs so you can wash with me?" Primrose shook her head before pulling her sleeves up. And raising a brow she deadpanned, "Yes if you don't want me to see your thing while washing you." He laughed at how she named his d*ck. But for the sake of her staying with him and wash him, he stayed in his briefs. Climbing into the tub he slowly relaxed, stretching across it and proudly showing his abs to her. The beautiful woman shows him a flirty grin before daring herself to take the sponge. She so wasn't ready for this.

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