first day of telling the truth out loud

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,, I wish this was said those six years ago when you had to climb that stupid tower and I had to leave you behind." Bellamy breathed out as his mind reeled back to those memories. "You told me that I had a big heart but now I realize that without you I don't have who to give it to."

Clarke paused questionably, she wasn't sure what to say to that. She tentatively took a step forward. "What exactly do you wanna tell me?" Bellamy shook his head almost wanting to let out a gasping laugh.

,, I'm trying to tell you that there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you—" pausing he reached for her hands, "—trust me on this. I will save Madi because I wanna meet that girl. And maybe then we could settle down, all of us together." Clarke's eyes widened and her heart gave a thump in agreement. She looked down at their joined hands.

Pushing his hand through her hair he settles it on her cheek making sure to maintain eye contact. "You saved us all and I beg you to not leave me again." This time Clarke knew exactly what to say as an answer.

,, And now you're home. I can't lose you so when we're done surviving maybe we could—" she pauses not knowing how to finish. And then Bellamy takes the breath out of her lungs. The kiss is forceful and makes her lips open in surprise. But she reacts just as fast and pushes deeper into him, snaking her tongue out and connecting. Those soft lips of his move in sync making her forget all about the trouble. Her lips move melodically and butterflies erupt in his tightening stomach. The feeling of her lips turns him into an addict and he tries to regain at least a snip of his control. While she just lets herself for once to lose it.

Pushing away so both of them can regain their breath Bellamy pushes his forehead onto hers. Smiling like loon he takes her hand and leads them to their makeshift tent. Barely noticing that the fire is dying and that no one is sitting by it. His hand stays tightened with hers as he pushes onto the floor and pulls her closer. Her back faces his front and with a high feeling, he leans with his mouth closer to her ear.

,, I love you," he vowes. Clarke's face immediately brightens and so large smile takes over her lips that it could blind the enemy. So she promises back with a slight whisper, "I love you too."

◻ ◻ ◻

With a gasp, Primrose pulls out her knife and points it in the direction of the intruder. Damon raises his hands, eyes searching the almost frightened face before him. And worry lines appear on his forehead. Did he scare her or was it just her mind reliving the memories.

,, I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to sleep." That was a lie. He could've gone to Murphy's tent but his mind decided that it would much rather sleep next to her, then in a tent who belonged to a kidnapped guy. She squinted her eyes probably not believing the criminal but still moved back giving him space to lay down on her comforter.

He does and shifts around for a moment until he stills on his back. Taking a breath he tries to ignore the tension. Or maybe it's him reading too much into it. "Are you alright?" The question comes out more hesitant than he wanted. A long stretched silence follows his question.

,, Bring in the next warriors!" Octavia's voice echoes as if it was just yesterday when she stood next to her on top of the pit. As the criminal's line, Gaia speaks her typical line, "They committed a crime against Wonkru, they are our enemies, traitors to our people, traitors to our code, strength, unity, and honor but today one of you will be given a chance to once again be called a brother a sister." Gaia turned, making fleeting eye contact with Primrose before bowing her head and closing her eyes. "Omon gon oson." Primrose did the same trying her hardest to not cringe. And before she could even blink a man pushed one of the hammers through other man's skull.

,, Yes." Comes, her sharp voice as she finally came from her head. As always making a tall wall between them. He shakes his head at the female next to him. Did he really, want a woman's company to go thru so much trouble.

,, You look stressed." He hears her let out a quit scoff almost mocking him. As if saying he couldn't read her no matter how hard he tried. But that's where she was wrong, he could see straight through her tough act.

,, I am frustrated by the stupid company I have." Damon snorts and turns towards her pushing his arm under his head. He gives her a grin as this is probably the first joke she made. He sees her shaking her head. Then those puncturing eyes of her make contact and she bites her luscious lip.

,, I'm not that bad—" he puts his hand between them almost baiting her to put her hand on top "—now tell me what's wrong?" Damon can see her bitting the inside of her cheek in clear defeat. She pushes closer almost hesitantly. Her eyes widen as if a feeling she never felt before pushes to surface.

,, It's just memories." She shakes her head again. And pushes her head down as if trying to hide from him. The hand laying beside her face twitches.

,, I'm not a saint either, I'm a former traitor who by being stupid killed his captain and friends. Who killed more people by following Diyoza and helping her to take over the Eligius IV. I'm a killer and I regret everything I did every day." This time when she looks up her eyes are crinkling and she smiles this time more seriously.

,, I'm the worse kind of psychopath, maybe not to that extent but I did bad things that my parents must be turning in their grave." Damon nods his head and puts his hand on her cheek. Pushing the strands out of her face and letting his hand rest on the side of her neck.

,, The things we've done to survive, don't define us!" Her eyes water and she pushes closer. Shuffling until her head is tucked under his chin. His heart beats faster with something he had not felt for years. Maybe not even before he was sent into space. Primrose cuddles him with uncertainty and it makes him smile thinking that this is probably her first time. And that makes him grin proudly.

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