fourth day running away

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They stayed in the cave for another day, trying to wait as long for Murphy and Raven. Not that Primrose agreed but she was outnumbered. Clarke and Bellamy seemed to gravitate closer but no feelings were admitted out loud. Well at least not to others but Primrose was an early riser and she saw those two cuddled closer.

Her eyes flickered towards Damon who she woke up smothered by. The man was stretching his strong muscular arms pulling the sheets and packing them. Shaking her head she quickly averted her eyes trying to ignore the feeling that was developing in her stomach. Pushing the gun behind her belt and a hunting knife into the sheath on her tight.

,, We should go, I don't wanna get caught." Echo spoke to no one in particular and a small smile graced her lips as she saw everyone listening. Damon walked over to her and pulled her backpack from the ground smiling slightly as he puts it on his back.

,, I can carry it myself." Her hand pushes forward demanding it back. Damon gave her a cheeky smile pushing her hand away meanwhile grazing his fingers with hers.

,, Without baggage, it will be easier to leave us behind." He joked and Primrose had a hard time hiding her smile. She wanted to reach out and link their hands like last time. Wanting to feel his skin. The comfort that he gave her.

,, Come on you two love birds stop making dreamy eyes and go," Bellamy laughed at his joke, making Primrose roll her eyes. He made her want to laugh and strangle him at the same time. He gave her a quick wink before turning and storming after the group. Primrose gave another roll before marching off following after them. He seemed more joyous than usual. Again Primrose thought that the blonde has something to do with it.

Damon let out a frustrated sigh, letting himself appreciate the behind moving before him before catching up. They walk slowly, tentatively taking each step. Once they reach the edge of the woods an eery silence surrounds them. You could see the dunes from where they were standing and a nervous feeling settled in her stomach. What if her people stayed at the bunker. What if they couldn't get out.

Taking an almost questioning step forward she steps onto the sand and that seems to be a dear mistake. Shouting is heard and before she can comprehend what's happening a gun appears in her vision. Her face hardens as she stares into the barrel of an automatic submachine. She can hear the grunting behind her as her eyes freeze on the eye of the gun. There is nowhere to go as she realizes that one bullet and her brain will splatter. An uncomfortable ache settles in her throat as she feels the feeling of loss. Something she didn't felt in a long time.

Then she can hear it, the language that she was born into. " Ste wher yu laik!"[stay where you are.] Her head whips around just now her blank brain realizes that they are surrounded by grounders. By Wonkru.

,, Em's ai, Gonna gon wamplei!"[It's me, warrior of death.] It seems as if the world pauses as the soldiers take a closer look. And suddenly it's all cheers, people around her are yelling as they yell for their commander. Primrose let out a startled laugh as they lead her through the people that suddenly piled near the sand. They all clap her back cheering that she survived and then she sees the trusted brown eyes of her commander.

Octavia pushes through the small crowd of warriors with a relieved look and before Primrose can comprehend her relief, arms secure around her neck. Tugging her closer that Primrose can smell the sweat and leather. Hands push onto her cheeks as Octavia takes a step back her eyes searching for any visible wounds.

,, I should've never doubted that you wouldn't survive." Primrose smiles as an answer equally relieved to see her family. " Octavia," a voice whispers behind her. Octavias eyes snap over her shoulder taking in the slightly awkward group behind her.

,, Bellamy." The commander hugs her brother after six long years and Bellamy tries to unsee the red paint on her forehead and the change in her eyes. Pulling away from the hug Octavia looks around checking every one of them before they stop at an unfamiliar one. Her eyes squint before she nods towards him.

Damon feels hands latching onto his wrists pushing them behind his back. Suddenly he's bent forward and a strong kick to his calf makes him kneel. A painful gasp leaves his lips as somebody pushes his head to the ground making him taste the sand. He breaths out a strong puff as the small stones push through his lips.

,, No, no-" Primrose pushes the person holding his head down her hands making sure he stays back "-wait!" Her eyes collide with Octavia's and she pleads with her.

,, He's with us. He's not an enemy! Em nou baga!" [He's not enemy!] The men stop pausing unsurely. Not knowing whether to listen to their future commander.

,, Three of our people were shot at by them, so I say they are enemies." Octavia nods again and Damon feels himself being pulled up. Primrose's sharp brows furrow, " he's with us, believe me, Blodreina." Octavia shakes her head with clear frustration.

,, Put him in the prison tent!" Primrose's eyes widen in disbelief. Damon lets himself be pulled away not wanting to cause more drama. Not giving any reason to be beheaded. Octavia doesn't make eye contact with him instead she walks away not even greeting anyone from the group. But she still walks slowly enough to give a distrusting look to Echo. Primrose follows her marching like a deadly soldier. And she for sure was angry, furious even. Pushing open the curtains of her commander's tent she scowls angrily at the sight before her.

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