sixth year going up to the ground

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Primrose walked behind Octavia on her left while Indra on her right. Gaia walked behind her mother and Ethan behind Primrose. He was twelve now and walked like a soldier. They were all proud.

They tried to open the door of the bunker for over a year now. Some dependent on hope more than others and when the door finally opened just this morning everybody wanted out. Abigail Griffin maybe more than others. Primrose knew it was because she thought that her daughter Clarke was alive up there.  Somehow Primrose believed that it was just her mind giving her hope. After all her daughter was supposed to be in the space.

They walked in shape of an arrow to the door. Some of the people nodded some shown respect. When they reached the door Octavia looked up. Primrose knew she also hoped to meet her brother Bellamy. It was funny how many Primrose knew only from the stories of others.

Octavia nodded at Kane and the door opened. The air flew in same as some of the sand. All of them covered their mouth to not cough. Then Primrose took a deep breath to her lungs. Octavia climbed up the stairs and pushed the door open. Primrose climbed right behind her. Giddy about what she will see. She noticed how small this place was, too tight. When they climb the ruins the sun shined down on them. The red color on her armor and hair gave away the color of blood. She had the same armor as Octavia. Even tho she wanted black red suited her.

Primrose took a deep breath into her stomach tightening. The air was different here. It was something she almost forgot. She jumped from the ruins to the ground and took the sand into her hand before letting it pour down from her palm. Everything was destroyed. Primrose looked around and noticed how nothing was left of Polise. Even Octavia seemed a little shocked. Primrose looked at the horizon to see nothing at all. No trees, no water, no plants, no food. She looked back at Octavia who was helping some children out of the bunker.

,, We will build tents and tomorrow we can start searching the clan's lands for something or someone!" Octavia's voice boomed thru the people that were already out. They nodded without questioning. Then she leaned more over the brink before going on ,, the scouting team will be one with ten people, with enough supplies."

,, Primrose will lead the team!" She finished and looked at Primrose. She just nodded back not complaining. She could show her talent and it was an honor doing something for their commander. Their Blodreina.

,, Good now let's start with the tents and fire." Everybody got to work not even thinking about doing anything else.


They were in commander tent, that Octavia and Primrose helped to build. On the table in the middle of it was a map of the clans. Primrose was learning where to start and which way to keep going.

,, Let's just hope that you will be back soon." she said after a while. Primrose nodded back. Octavia leaned over the map ,, first Skaikru, then Trikru, next Glowing Forest clan, and next Shallow Valley clan. Then you will come back and come back and change scooters. Understood?!"

,, Of course." Primrose answered back with the same vigor, before looking back at the map. Her expression morphed into one that showed insecurity.
,, What do you hope we will find?"

,, Let's hope that something!" Octavia answered back before placing her armor on the table.

,, Let's call it a night, everybody must be tired!?" Primrose nodded at her before walking out. Outside some of the watchers sat by the fire. They all turned towards her when they heard a noise some already reaching for their weapons.

,, Gona gon wamplei." They all said in unison. Primrose smiled slightly before chuckling breathly. A name she did not choose but got. She nodded back at them.
,, Reshop."[Goodnight] they all gave her back curt nods and Primrose shook her head at them.

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