sixth day of unsure decisions

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Bellamy looked Clarke's way and debated whether talking to her was a good idea. But what did he had to lose when they were in a cave. When they were hunted down by some criminals from space. The man, Damon, looked ready to climb out of his skin so he wouldn't be apart of the questioning Emori put him through. Taking the part that Raven would probably take. Walking towards her with unsure steps he made sure to go with his hand through his hair. This almost made him scoff out loud.

He reached her and could feel everyone looking at him. Putting a hand on the blonds woman's shoulder his eyes squinted. " Can we talk?" Her brow furrowed as an answer but she still stood up.

Bellamy turned and started walking forward trying to walk far away so the others couldn't eavesdrop. He turned towards the blonde and tried to appear casual. His mind racing towards the rejection he was going to suffer through. Now that was, definitely something he did not want others to hear. And then he looked up wanting to confess those feelings.

Primrose looked at the brown-haired woman, taller than her by a whole head. Her eyes squinted as she inspected Echo. Primrose thought, she and Bellamy were an item but she could hardly miss those look that the male send to Clarke. It was obvious that he harbored deep feelings and she also knew Clarke felt the same but she wasn't sure that the woman was ready to admit them.

,, How many of you are you down here?" Emori disrupted her thoughts by throwing another question at Damon. The man who was sitting next to her and the man that she had mixed feelings for.

,, Like I said, few but hundreds up in space!" Emori shook her head, she seemed unsure. Primrose rolled her eyes. She didn't know why but it frustrated her that Emori questioned him. She knew that she couldn't trust him, shouldn't trust him but that thought came second when she was close to him.

,, What are they talking about?" Primrose askes no one in particular as her eyes stayed locked onto the couple further from them. Half of the people turned but some tried to stay more casual about gossiping. Echo was one of those who did not bother to turn.

,, Probably talking about how to save the day as always." Echo said quit bitterly. Primrose turned to her knowing that she probably knew what they were talking about but pretended that she didn't. Emori the woman who also didn't turn rolled her eyes. Primrose did not trust Emori, something seemed so frustrating about that woman.

,, Maybe you should go and talk with them. Learn a few things you know!" Harper jokingly put her two cents into the conversation and Primrose let a smirk take over her lips. She played with the needle-like knife hidden behind her sleeve. It made her feel more secure. Especially after the incident earlier.

,, Maybe you two should also take a few steps away from the camp and talk it out, bickering like children, is going to get you killed-" she paused looking straight into both of her preys eyes "-either by them, or me for being too annoying!" She finished with a slightly mocking smile. Both of them had the same offended look before Harper stood up and stormed over to her made-up tent. Echo looked straight into Primrose's eyes with her own burning with fire.

,, If you don't have anything smart to say don't talk at all." Primrose, had the need to laugh and tell this woman just how smart things could come out of her mouth. Instead, she looked over her shoulder and looked at the couple who were definitely gravitating closer than before. Smiling cunningly she gave a jab of her own.

,, I forgot I was talking to a woman who had only intelligent things on her mind, oh wait I wasn't I was, actually talking to a woman who just landed at this ground with a no true meaning." She could see Echo falter and truly thing. Of course, she did, Primrose just told her that she was meaningful. Echo wanted to grab the sword she had on her hip and slice the girl's smile off but chose the better option for her. Turning around and marching into the same tent Emori has gone to hide in just before this stare down went down.

Monty just shook his head and stood up following after the offended woman. " That wasn't necessary," Damon spoke with a hint of amusement. Primrose smiled and turned her calculating eyes to the attention needing man.

,, They all act so pitifully, a man child in love with a samely confused woman, former grounder woman who is in love with a man that clearly loves another woman, a woman who pretends she doesn't want pity but pitties herself enough for all of us, so much fucking romance that I'm feeling sick. They all need to realize that there is so much at stake than just their non-existent love lives or drama. My people are out there and they are dying, and as so far as I know these people haven't done much in saving humanity, so I think they should take a back seat and start thinking, they're not the only people walking this earth anymore!" Standing up she doesn't give another glance at the last person near the fire.

Marching up to her made tent she lays down glad to be hidden away from those people. They pissed her off with the complicacy. She was raised to tell what was on her mind, to never give up on things she wanted and these people are nothing as Blodreina described them being. She tried to tame her mind and concentrated on her breathing. She missed her people, the children and the young ones who thought they fought so much better than her. Everything here was so complicated, in the bunker, it was much easier, listen and follow and nothing will happen.

Not that she missed the bunker, but she did miss the simplicity. Not the things that had to be done to survive. Her whole body shuddered.

,, He gave his life so we could live. All of him for all of his!" Primrose stood up from the big table and took an uncertain step forward. The gun that was pulled made her hands shake, " You are Wonkru or you're enemy of Wonkru!" Her breath hitched at the words that were embedded in her mind and engraved into her skin. The words spoken next made all thoughts leave her mind, just leaving blank space, " You eat or you die!" And the echo of a gun going off made her eyes screwed tightly shut.

Gasping she turned around making sure that space, where the tent opened, was insight. Then she heard it, the noise of shuffling feet and then the man that made her even more confused came insight.

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