first day arguing with the commander

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Something about the sight of her Blodreina calmly drinking, while Damon was imprisoned made her sputter with rage. To put it mildly, it pissed Primrose off. She stormed inside, almost knocking the chair over as she marched closer to Octavia. She slapped her hand onto the table.

" Contain yourself." Octavia walked around her, blatantly ignoring her and putting her cup down. That made her even angrier. Seething and almost wanting throw something, this time she slams her hand even harder, almost cringing on how it stings.

" I said that he was with us. Why... Why does he need to be imprisoned?!" Octavia gave a frustrated curse, something that sounded very close to the grounders' language.

" We came here for you and without reason, they started shooting at our people when we went out to search. For you!" Octavia gave a strange demand to the words as if she should be grateful and as if it was her fault that they were shot at. "Two of them died, Prim-" shaking her head she leans onto the table, her red forehead scrunching, "-we can't lose more people especially when we're going to be marching back tomorrow."

" But he can be helpful!" It came out as whine of a small child wanting his demands to be fulfilled. "He knows the ship, knows his way around their camp, knows their people. Maybe we could demand peace with their leader." Standing closer to Octavia, she makes sure to soften her voice.

" There is no need for war." Octavias eyes stay closed, almost not wanting to hear any of it. As if that decision was already made even without her knowing, but she was also in charge.

" Don't I have a say in this decision!" These words were answered differently than Primrose expected. A cold metal was drawn to her throat. The blade pressing closer to her skin, making it colder. Suddenly it itched as she slightly drew it over her skin. Primrose felt the blood trickle down and closed her eyes tightly, to not lash out.

" I am your commander! And if I say we fight over this valley then it will happen." Primrose opened her eyes, searching the eyes of the woman that raised her. They looked cold and calculating. She nodded her head, releasing a big breath of air.


Meanwhile at Diyoza's camp

" I'm not gonna ask again!" The bearded man before Raven spoke. Taunting her and pointing the knife very close to her face. Murphy trashes in the binds, his mouth stuffed with a dirty rag.

" That's enough McCreary!" The always trying to be the voice of reason, Charmaine Diyoza, stands beside the man. McCreary takes a very reluctant step back. And Murphy's trashing grows even bolder.

" Those people from the bunker, they took one of our pilots and shot at our people. Whatever information you'll give on them is very valuable." Raven shakes her head, her short bangs going into her face. " We came a few days ago, we have no idea what was happening." Raven blinked unsurely, she wasn't sure how long they were here.

" We saw you with our pilot, that dark-haired woman seemed very close when we attacked you." Diyoza bent forward putting her hands on her knees and almost projecting too suffocating aura. " Let's start with simple questions?!" Raven scoffed and the dark-skinned man behind all of them hid his smirk.

" The dark-haired girl who is she? We saw her in a very tight embrace with their leader." McCreary pulled the rag out of Murphy's mouth since he was tugging at his restrains.

" Oh, you mean that unstable psychotic killer." His snarky response made Raven roll her eyes. She almost wanted to tell him to shut up. Murphy gave her a wink before looking straight at Diyoza. " She's the second and your pilot is her beau." Diyoza didn't seem very happy about it.

Turning around and nodding at McCreary she leaves the room. " Where are they heading?" He doesn't spare a glance at the people around the room as he punches Murphy, again. Raven screams.

" We don't know anything!" McCreary laughs and takes his gun out of the holster. " Don't lie to me." Murphy spits out blood and laughs almost heartily.

" They're going back to the Pandora's box obviously." McCreary's brows furrow and he turns towards the dark-skinned man. " Shaw, do you think you'll be able to uncode it or we have to go after him?" Shaw makes eye contact with Raven and his forehead wrinkles.

" I might until we get there." Raven's eyes squint in confusion but she doesn't say anything. Murphy shouts after the two confusing men and trashes around until the door closes behind them.

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