The day Shawn is back

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I'm almost 48 hours in Canada and I have to say I really like it here. I was really happy because today at 9:00 A.M. Shawn came back from Europe. His sister and mom were going to pick him up at the airport because I was still sleeping.

When I wake up I saw Shawn staring at me. He told me that I really looked sick. He also said he already called a doctor and that he is on his way. 

When the doctor arrived I asked  Shawn to stay with me. I saw on his face that he found it awkward. But he's the one who saved my life. The doctor looked to the scars and wounds I've got from my ex. He said that it would be better if I went to the hospital. But before he left I asked him if he could tell me if I was pregnant by my ex or not because I didn't have my period for like 2 months. He told me they had better ways to look for that at the hospital.

Shawn drove me to the hospital and stayed with me during the time I needed to be there. A bunch of fans was there too, asking for photos, but Shawn didn't want to take any pictures. He told them he was worried about someone. I thought it would be me he was worried about. But I wasn't sure.

The nurse said it was my turn and the doctor looked to my scars and wounds. She said that it was possible that I have some broken bones. I asked again if it would be possible that I was pregnant by my ex. They maid an ultrasound to be sure but I wasn't pregnant. I was happy. The doctor said that my period could be skipping a month because of all the stress I've been through.

When Shawn and I get home again it was time to eat. Karen cooked a special meal for me. She made some vegan stuff because I wasn't really into eating meat. Aaliyah and Shawn were talking about Aaliyah's prom she was very excited until she realized that I never got one. She said that she would ask at school if Shawn could perform for free because he really wanted to do this for his little sister. She also would ask if I could go to prom too. I loved being here and I loved the way Shawn's family treated me. But every time Shawn is close to me my heart skipped a beat. I was sure it wasn't with him. But I can tell you I loved him. I love the way he is. But he would never feel the same for me.

I hope you liked the story this far. If you do please hit the star😍

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