Did It Really Got Better?

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I was still in the hospital with Sky after giving birth, because the poor kid got sick, when Shawn was visiting after getting a special phone call.

He walked in with a big smile.

'Hun', he started, ' I've got awsome news to tell you.'

'What news?', I asked.

'Well.. They found you're crazy ex and he is now in jail till he can get back to Israel.' he said.

'They did?! Like for real?! They finally found them?!' I asked fully suprised.

'They did' Shawn said.

The moment Shawn was saying "did", Sky's heartbeat dropped to a flat line. Shawn's runned to the hallway yelling for a doctor or nurse.

A team of nurses and doctors came to get me out of the room together with Shawn.

'Wh- Where are we going?', I asked.

Tears were running down my face. I was so scared. When we finally thought things would get better, this happens.

They moved me to a new room together with Shawn. A nurse stayed with us and calming us, mostly me, down. Even Shawn was trying to calm me down, but i can tell he was also worried.

'Everything will be okay sweetheart', he said.

I could see he was not okay either. I loved him, i still do, but i didn't know how i could calm him down.

The doctor came back in and took us back to Sky.

"He's okay. His heartbeat is normal again. He did have an allergic reaction to the food we gave him this morning, we did some tests and now we know he's hyper allergic to everything that has peanuts or something that is made with peanuts.', the doctor said.

" So we just have to take care of that? That he doesn't eat something peanutish?" Shawn asked.

"Yes. There's a slightly chance that this allergy will be gone by the time he turns 3 if not he will have this allergy for the rest of his life. You can take him home with you guys tomorrow noon", the doctor said.

We both were very excited. Shawn's parents, Aaliyah and Rose came to visit again. We told Rose that if we were going to pick her up at school we would bring baby Sky with us. She was so happy when we told her we were going home again tomorrow.

Shawn, Sky and I first did go home to drop off all the clothes and stuff before doing some grocery shopping.

"Shawn?", I asked, "We definitely have to buy your mom, dad and sis something to thank them for taking care of Rose for so long"

"I know right. I've got an idea", Shawn said.

"Well tell me Mr. Mendes" I said.

"Well", he started. "What if we go on a family vacation to i don't know where but it is all payed buy us?"

"It's a great idea Shawn but where do you think they want to go to?" I asked.

"They always wanted to properly meet your family, Silke. What if we sid go to Belgium?", he said.

"That's a really good idea but we are not only place we're going right? I mean the belgian weather sucks.", I answered.

"Yeah maybe we can go to the Maldives again?", he said.

"Okay sounds great but if we go to the Maldives I want to have your tour crew and you to do a secret concert to do there, cause if your touring you never go there." I said again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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