Having Our Daughter

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We sat in the car with the parents of Shawn and Aaliyah. We were really sorry for having to flew back much earlier than planned. But it wasn't that bad because that moment my membranes broke. The delivery started. Shawn instantly grabbed my hand while he shouted to his mom that she has to drive to the hospital.

It hurted pretty much but it was all worth it. When I held my daughter in my hands I realized that Shawn and I not spend a lot time to think about a name. I did have an idea so I asked Shawn.

"Shawn? How are we going to call our daughter?", I asked.

"I don't know babe. Do you have an idea?" He asked.

"Yeah I do have an idea honestly.", I said." You know how much I love the songs Roses."

"yeah I know how much you love that song, you ask me to sing it almost every day.", Shawn said while laughing.

"Well what if we call our daughter Rose?" I asked.

" Honestly that's such a beautifull name babe." Shawn almost shouted.

We called everyone in. Shawn sat in the chair next to my bed with her in his hands. His sister said that she called Cameron and Camila (the godparents) and that they will be here like any minute. They arrived while she was saying that.

" Please welcome to earth our daughter",Shawn said while gaving Rose to me.

He climbed in the bed to sit next to me.

"And what's her name?",Camila and Aaliyah both said.

"Her name is Rose.", Shawn said.

"Why did you call her Rose?", Cameron asked.

"because I love the song Roses from Shawn.", I explained.

The next day Rose and I could go back home.  Shawn came to the hospital to get us home. When we drove in our street I saw that our house was decorated with pink stuff. They also hung Rose's name in Pink balloons on the window. I started crying because it was beautiful

Everyone was at our home, they made a huge cake and baked little pink cookies. Shawn bought me a beautiful pink dress that goes all the way down to the ground. I lay Rose in her little bed that stood downstairs. Everyone was watching her.

Aaliyah came to me to help me she saw it was a little bit much for me to handle.

"Go upstairs and change your clothes. I know it is much to handle for the moment but it was Shawn idea.", She said.

"O-Okay and I know shawn did for well but indeed it's pretty much.", I answered almost crying.

Shawn came upstairs because Aaliyah told him to. He saw me crying while he came in the room. He smiled to comfort me. 

"Is everything okay?", he asked worried.

"It's okay Shawn, it's just pretty much to handle.", I said.

"I know it is babe but I want to tell them we're gonna married.", He said.

"We better should make it public either. Let someone film it. I'm not caring about my ex anymore", I said

He saw I was smiling while saying that.  We both did go downstairs. I asked Aaliyah if she would film it because she knows it anyway. I took Rose out of her bed and walked to Shawn. He took her over from me and I heard everyone saying that he looks like the best dad in the world. But I know it was the truth.

We asked everyone to come a little closer to us

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We asked everyone to come a little closer to us.

"Like you all can see our little wonder is here. But that's not the only thing why we all invited you back.", Shawn said.

"We also like to tell you that Shawn and I are getting married this summer. " I said .

"You're all invited ofcourse but there's  one thing.", Shawn said.

"What is it? Is she pregnant again?" Taylor asked.

"No"I said." You'll know I'm from belgium. So that's were we're getting married because I really want my parents there.'

They all understood it. Aaliyah asked me to come. She showed some reactions on the video of our announcement. There was one comment that I couldn't forget.

"You'll never gonna marry that Shawn boy. Your mine and never going to be anyone else!" The comment said

I saw the name of my ex and I screamed. Shawn directly came to me and I let him read the comment. He saw that I was terrified and he tried to calm me down.

I took Rose out of her bed and took her with me upstairs. I layed her in her bed in her bedroom.

It was pretty late already and I cried all of the make-up of my face. I heard the voices going away. Shawn came upstairs to calm me down.

"Babe, It's okay. He's not going to do anything. The're will be security." Shawn said.

"I know but I'm scared what if he will hunt me down." I said.

"He will not be able to do that. He's not going to get in." He said

"Babe, I just want to sleep. It was a pretty hard week. Can we please just do that?" I asked.

"Ofcourse we can. We just have to change." Shawn said.

We both laughed.

"That's the you I like to see." Shawn said.

"I know, but I'm just scared." I said

We both changed and we watched of Rose slept. We both did go downstairs to say goodnight to everyone. When we came back in our bedroom and layed ourselves in bed. I lay my head on Shawn's chest and fell asleep.

Thank y'all to read my story this far.
It's not over yet! If you liked it will you please hit the star?

Love y'all♥️

See you next time

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