Meeting Shawn's Friends

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When I woke up the next morning Shawn was already downstairs. I smelled eggs and bread. I left the warm and cozy bed to go downstairs and to watch Shawn cooking breakfast.

"Goodmorning beautiful", Shawn said.

"Goodmorning muffinman", I said while kissing his cheak.

"Whatcha lookin' at?", He asked.

"I'm looking at your cookingskills. Are you cooking for me?" I said.

"Ofcourse I'm making this for you. My parents already left for work and Aaliyah just heads of to school", Shawn said kissing my forhead.

I set up the table while shawn was finishing the cooking stuff. We sat in front of eachother. We both ate pancakes with some caramelsauce and  butter on top.

"I'd never knew you could cook this good", I said while I was smiling.

"There are more things you don't know about me", Shawn said while taking an other bite of his pancakes.

"What are we doing today?", I asked

"I want you to meet my friends.", Shawn said.

I was excited to meet them. I knew his friends like they were from Magcon. I was going to meat some celeberties. I was going to meet Cameron Dallas, Taylor Caniff and Nash Grier. I cried really much when Magcon splitted.

Shawn pressed his lips on mine. It scared me out of my thoughts. We were going to trew a little Magcon reunion. Shawn invited them and they were all coming.

We were throwing a party in the garden. They had a huge swimmingpool in there. Shawn was going to grill some food on the grill and we've got a little fire in the garden to grill marsmellows too. Shawn's parents were out of the town for a week and Aaliyah called Shawn to tell him she would stay the night over at the house of a friend.

When they all arrived here at 10 A.M. Cameron arrived first and he brought some meat with him that we could grill tonight. He and Shawn did hang out a lot before Shawn left for his tour.

Taylor arrived as last. He brought the marsmallows and some salads to eat.

They all brought some stuff so we didn't need to buy anything. We laughed a lot and Shawn and I told them our story. They looked to me and asked to tell my story. So I did. I told them everything, how my ex treated me 'till the moment I met Shawn. When we were done telling our story they looked at us with their mouth a little open. They were suprised because they didn't know where we already go truth.

It was a lovely day and I made some new friends. It was a day full of memories.

When I left to the kitchen to get us some new drinks I heard the boys talking.

"You've to be really lucky with her Shawn. She 's a wonderfull person", Cameron said.

Taylor agreed with him.

"Shawn you have to get her married with you one day!" Nash said.

Taylor and Cameron both agreed with him.

When they said that I saw Shawn blushing and watching to the kitchen. I saw him sitting closer to the others than a few secons ago. He told them something while he was whispering.

*Whispering* " I know I have to marry her once and  we've been dating 10 months already but I'm going to propose her next week I guess", Shawn said while showing the boys the  ring.

"Woah, that ring is gorgious! She has to say yes when she sees that!" Cameron and Taylor said.

Shawn blushes when I came back outside and hided the little box.

"Here are the drinks", I said.

"Thanks" they all said it.

It was already over midnight when we decided to go back home. Shawn and I both sat in the couch to enjoy the little bit of rest we've got today. We decided to clean up everything tomorrow. Shawn saw I was tired and I didn't want to go upstairs by myself. He lifted me up and carried me to our bedroom. He layed me down on the bed and crawled on top of me.

He pressed his lips on mine. His hands raced over my body. He took of my T-shirt and I took of his. He kissed the skin in my neck. I ran with my fingers through his hair. We both took of our clothes and did it for the first time. It was amazing. I loved the way he kissed my skin.

We both fell asleep pretty fast after all. It was a long day and I was tired as f*ck.

The next day I woke up very late and I fell sick. I did go downstairs and saw Shawn mopping the floor.

"Is there something you can't do?", I asked with a broken voice.

"Maybe but I'd never did it.", He said smiling.

We both laughed.

"Are you okay? You sound sick.", Shawn asked. He sound worried.

"I'm okay." I said. "Hold on a sec.", I ran to the bathroom to puke.

Shawn ran to me when he heard it. "Babe I'm calling a docter okay?", Shawn asked.

"It's okay Shawn", I said . " I'm hungry let me eat something."

Shawn looked to me with a face that said something like you-just-puked-but-you-want-to-eat-something. I laughed.

Shawn made a couple pancakes for me. He already cleaned up everything from yesterday.  I thought it was very sweet of him to let me sleep.

I walked to the sofa and lay down, turned on the television and opened Netflix. We watched Riptide. I layed with my head on Shawn's chest and fell asleep.

When Aaliyah came in we both looked up.

"You're home late.", Shawn said.

"Shawn, I'm already 16. I am not late it is not even 12 A.M.", She said.

We laughed when Aaliyah said that. But than I had to puke again. I asked if Aaliyah would come to me.

"Aaliyah, can I ask you something kinda weird?", I asked her.

"Yeah, you can ask me anything Silke, were sisters right now.", She said.

"Would you mind to get me a pregnancy test? I think I'm pregnant but I want to be sure before I go to the docter.", I asked her.

"Ofcourse I will do that for you. But I get it tommorrow it's already late to go to the mall." She told me.

"Omg! Thank you Aaliyah.", I said while I hugged her.


Omg this is the longest chapter i've wrote.
I hope you'd liked it if you did would you please hit that star?

Love y'all

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