What If Bad Luck Happend?

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We had to fly back to Canada earlier than we had planned. I was feeling extremely sick and my back and belly hurted pretty much. I was scared.

We flew back with Shawn's private jet. I was scared, felt sick and tried to fight against my tears and thoughts.

"I want to ask if you're okay. But I know you're not." Shawn said. "What can I do to help you?"

"Babe, please just take some rest for you i'll be able to handle it." I answered.

I know he didn't want to leave me but he had to take some sleep. I was pretty sure that from the moment we should  land in Toronto things would be pretty hectic.

And so it was. Safety guards had to tske our stuff while a couple nurses and a doctor came for me. The moment they said something to me I just fell onto the ground.

Shawn's version of the moment

When she was falling on the ground I was right on time to catch her head with my hands. The doctor just took her away from me. They told me I could go with them to the hospital.

When we where at the hospitalthe doctor told me there was a chance I could lose her they would try to safe her and the baby. If they couldn't save both of them I would need to choose. O god... I never hoped they could save two people as much as then.

" We tried our best to save them both but... Your baby did not survive, Sir." The doctor said.

"Can I see my wife?" I asked.

"She's still under narcose but if you really want to I can bring you to her." The doctor said.

She did look really bad to be honest. Her hair was a mess and her skin was pale.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She is" the doctor started. " But she is going to have a long road recovering from her misscarriage."

"Will she be able to take care of her daughter?" I asked.

I was really worried.

"There's a chance it is going to be hard and there's a chance that she will need a psychologist and ofcourse a lot of support from her friends and family." He said. " The nurses are going to move her to a regular room so you can be with her all the time. Maybe you can get some of her stuff at home I want her to be here for at least one week.

I drove home and told mom, dad and Aaliyah what happend they helped me with packing her stuff and drove instead of me I was way to nervous and scared to lose my wife.

When we arrived Silke was still sleeping from the narcose. I was thinking of ways I could tell her that the baby did not survive the whole situation and that we still don't exactly know what happend.

I was holding her hand and talking to Aaliyah when the door opened. I did recognized her crazy ex.

"Finally I found you!" He yelled. "Look what you did to my girlfriend she's in the hospital because of you! What where you thinking when you took her with you to your lovely Pickering? Oh look that girl she's kinda hot, I'm just going to get her with me? Was that what you were thinking?" He yelled.

In the corner of my eye I saw Aaliyah sneaking out of the room. Probably to get a nurse.

He started to yell at me more but I didn't let him touch me. The only thing I cared about was Silke and the longer he was yelling the faster her heartbeat did go.

"Stop yelling dude! Get chill don't you notice you are killing MY wife? Or your girlfriend like you said? She's mine dude you're not going to take her away from me!" I said.

Aaliyah, a couple nurses and some police-officers entered the room. He got arrested and we all were asked to leave the room. Silke needed rest.

I did go the hall where I cracked. I started to cry and I know it's kinda weird to cry as a man but I couldn't resist it anymore. It was too much to handle.

I did go to the waiting room and sat there for at least 7 hours. A nurse came to me and told me that Silke was awake again and that I could see her.

"I've been through so much stress and I was so scared I would lose you babe." I said while entering the room.

She started smiling. I was so happy she had survived it.

Silke's version again

He walked into the room and I was so happy to see him again. I was thinking the worst was over until he told me...

"Babe there's no way that I can tell this in a way it is okay to deal with or to hear it." Shawn said.

"What is it?" I asked.

I felt the tears coming.

"I had to choose" he said "I had to choose between you or the baby. There was no way you both could survive." He started. " We lost the baby"

His voice break and I started crying. I could have expected that but still I was hoping it wouldn't happen.

I really needed some time for myself.
So I told Shawn that he had to go home and get some sleep. He could come back as soon as he was ready the day after.

"Bring Rose with you when you come back tomorrow" I said while he was leaving.

I know it could be weird to see rose while I had to process that I just lost a kid. But I thought that it could help me during that progress...

Thank you for reading a new chapter! I know it has been a while I'm sorry guys.

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Love y'all😘♥️

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