Our date♥️

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When Shawn arrived at the mall, he had a brand new outfit with him for me. He took me to the woods I kinda was scared but I trusted Shawn. He bound his favorite scarf around my head because he wants to make it special and to keep it a surprise. His scarf smelled like him. I trusted him so much. He took my hand and lead me the way. We walked over a path with stones, I could hear it.

"Are we almost there?", I asked.
"Almost", Shawn said.

I don't really like surprises, I'm too curious about this kinda things.  I smelled the woods and water. I heard a waterfall running.

"Are we almost there?", I asked again.
"Almost," Shawn said again.
"But you said it before too," I said.
"I know babe but it isn't that far anymore I guess 5 steps for you.", He answered me.

"I'm going to take the scarf off.",Shawn said.

He took the scarf off and I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw a piece of open air in the middle of the woods. The waterfall I heard was beautifully blue and crystal clear. The bottom of the river was the most beautiful round shaped stones. I couldn't believe it. In the middle of the open air on the grass, I saw a blanket with a whole buffet stalled out. I saw turkey, watermelon, grapes, apples, french bread and a bunch of other stuff.

The sun was dancing on the water and the wind let the shadow of the trees dancing. In the sunshine, I saw flower petals flying through the air.

We sat on the blanket and ate the fruit. When it started getting darker Shawn lighted some candles. He asked me to close my eyes again. When I got his permission to open them again he got his guitar laying next to him and a bouquet of 35 roses in his hands. He gave me the roses and took his guitar.
He started to play the song 'roses' for me. I sang the chorus with him. We still talked for hours. When it was dark I started getting cold. Shawn gave me one of the hoodies he took with him.

We lay on the blanket and tried to see some shapes in the stars. I saw a heart, a swan and a rose. Shawn saw a guitar and a dragon. I lied my head on his chest and talked about a lot of stuff. Shawn said that the breakfast I made them this morning was delicious. I was happy to hear that. We kissed and laughed at some jokes.

"Am I allowed to sleep in my own bed again?" Shawn asked
We both laughed
" If I am allowed to be there too. " I said.
"Of course you are!" Shawn laughed.

"Can I ask you something?" Shawn said after a little silence.
"Of course, speak," I said while I was laughing.
"W-will you b-be my-my girl-girlfriend?" Shawn asked.
"Shawn I really want to but what if the fans don't like me? Plus I will have to be in interviews so everyone is going to know I'm still alive. That wasn't our plan..." I said.

Shawn knew I had a point. He knew I loved him but if everyone knows I'm still alive my ex will hunt me down.

Shawn lighted up some more candles. We both played on the blanket in silence. The silence wasn't awkward. We just enjoyed it.

"Aren't your parents going to be scared that something happened to us? We've been here for a whole day already.", I asked.
"Maybe you're right. We probably should go back home.", Shawn said.

We cleaned up everything and walked back home. It was pretty late when we arrived there. His mom fell asleep on the sofa, I lay a blanket on her while Shawn was loading the dishes. 

We did both go upstairs to Shawn bedroom. We changed into our pajamas and both crawled in the bed.

"Goodnight", Shawn said while kissing me.

"Goodnight," I said.

I was still overthinking today. It was beautiful and romantic. I really loved him.

I played my head on his chest and fell asleep.

Thanks for reading!

There's a star you may hit if you'd like it.

Love y' all

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