CB part 2

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  Pacifica noticed something was wrong with Mabel when Mabel shuddered. Pacifica put a hand on her friends shoulder in a comforting manner and sighed.

  "Mabel, are you ok?" Pacifica asked, concerned. Mabel shook, closed her eyes slowly, and nodded.

   "Y-yes. I'm ok." Mabel said, opening her eyes again. Pacifica wasn't convinced, but she wasn't gonna say anything else. At least not yet. Mabel glanced at Pacifica and smiled,

  "So, about the ball... someone asked me to go with them!" Mabel said smiling wide. Pacificas eyes grew wide.

  "WHO! wait- let me guess.... On the count of three..1...2..3" Pacifica exclaimed.

  "ALEX!" The girls exclaimed at the same time. Pacifica gasped.

"No way! Mabel! That's great! Glad to see your moving on!" Pacifica said, nudging Mabel with her elbow, and looking at Mabel in a knowing manner.

   "PAZ! STOP IT!" Mabel exclaimed, throwing a pillow at Pacifica, who giggled.

"Ok, Ok! Now, the ball is starting in.... OH CRAP MABEL ITS STARTING WE SHOULD GO DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" Pacifica said, panicked. The girls immediately ran down.
Mabel was having so much fun at the party with Alex. She was getting some food right now though, because she needed to eat. She came back to the main ballroom, and Alex was already there, dancing with another girl, blushing and laughing.

  Mabel gasped, and then ran, and slapped Alex.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Mabel yelled at him. Alex looked stunned for a minute, then he glared at Mabel.

"I WAS GETTING AWAY FROM YOU!" Alex yelled, drawing attention to the affair from around the room. Mabel clenched her hands into a fist, and felt anger coming to her in fresh waves.

  "YOU KNOW WHAT! I'M GOING!" Mabel yelled, turning away and running away while crying a little bit.

Suddenly, a hand took Mabel's, and spun her around. Mabel was stunned, and didn't notice spin until a second later.

Mabel finally got a good look at the mystery person. They were wearing a mask, so she couldn't see the face. They two had a amulet, on their wrist, and they had brown hair, and they smiled when they looked at her.

Mabel thought about people who she knew had the amulet on their wrist, and brown hair, but she could only think of one person. A person who she had trusted. A person who had betrayed her. A person who she liked.

A person named Dipper Corduroy.

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