LIO Part 1

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          Mabel gasped as soon as her mother said that. Mabel had hid the journal upstairs before Bill had came, and everything had gone wrong with the day. Mabel noticed Dipper looked shocked as well. Mabel couldn't seem to find words to speak to him though. 

Instead, Mabel just stood beside him, shaking. Carla walked over to the author, and hugged her. The author hugged back.

"W-who are you?" Mabel shakily burst out. It was only after the words came out of Mabel's mouth did she realize how stupid it sounded. The author chuckled, possibly at the look on Mabel's face, and smiled.

"I'm Wendy" The author introduced herself. Mabel noticed the authors earrings, and hair looked like she had said. There were some red streaks in Wendy's hair, and the earrings were red as well. The notes from the journal flashed back to Mabel, and she gasped softly. 

Wendy looked closely at the girl, and also seemed shocked. Mabel wondered why, until she noticed that Wendy was looking at her amulet, or her necklace. Instinctively, Mabel moved closer to Dipper, who was out of his trance of shock now, and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Wendy looked at Dipper's bracelet as well as soon as it was in sight, and Mabel winced. The author knew they had two of the three amulets that she didn't keep.

"Carla, who are these children" Wendy asked, a trace of shock in her voice. Carla looked at Mabel and Dipper, narrowing her eyes a little at Dipper, but not saying anything.

"The girl is my daughter, Mabel Pines, and um..the your son, Wendy. Dipper" Carla took a deep breath after that, and bit her lip, looking at the children for their reaction as the words sunk in.

Dipper wavered for a minute, shaking with shock. Mabel's mouth was agape. Dipper was her cousin? WHAT.

"W-what!" Mabel's voice came out as a squeak. Carla lowered her head.

"The time for lies is over. It's time we tell you everything." Stan said, coming out from the shadows to stand by his wife's side.

Mabel glanced at Dipper, who seemed to be frozen in another shocked state. Mabel nudged him.

"Dipper..." Mabel whispered. Dipper looked at her, his eyes wide.

"This explains everything...why my 'father' and 'mother' never gave me as much love as a real parent would show their kid. I thought it was just because they weren't very affectionate people...." Dipper trailed off. Mabel gave him a hug.

"Dipper, you and I are cousins, which means from now on, you can stay here, and never go back to those horrible people" Mabel said, releasing her hug. Dipper gave her nod.

Carla motioned for them to sit down. Wendy sat with her arms crossed, and Dipper and Mabel sat together.

"So, sister, please do tell me-WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY SON" Wendy shot at Carla. Carla winced.

"I will tell everyone everything, don't worry..but why don't we start from what happened in high school.."

Mabel and Dipper both sat up. It was time. The two would finally know everything.

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