DB Part 2

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Mabel stared at the next page, eager to read it, and see what new information it gave her about the author.


July 14, 1988

 Results have come back positive. What I saw was most uncanny. I am most disturbed by it, so I think I will just try to forget what I saw about my muse, and go on as normal. 

In other much happier news, I did have another idea. A portal. Ok, so it was my muse who gave me the idea, but hey, he's a genius. My feelings of gratitude for him are of most high levels.

Anyways, I also discovered with great annoyance that I will have to trek all the way to CSO, or the Omega. At least I might get to study more there then I do here at my lowly cabin.


Mabel smiled at the page. This journal really was cool. She couldn't wait to finish it. Mabel picked up her pencil, and thought about what she would add to her notes. She eventually decided on what to write, and got writing.

"-Disturbed by the vision of the future the author got from the fleur chiffrée soup. I wonder what she saw

-Author's muse gave her/or him a idea of a portal.

-Will have to travel to CSO. Wonder what that stands for."

Mabel nodded approvingly at her notes. Mabel then turned to her journal and flipped the page with a genuine smile.


July 16, 1988 

Ok, I am very aware I didn't write for a whole day, but in that time, I was busy traveling. I just discovered something new though, so I thought I might sit down for a bit to write about it.

I call it piedra amuleto (yes, I'm a sucker for naming things after words in different languages), as it is a amulet like stone. I chopped off a few pieces, and made a ring, bracelet and a necklace. I also made earrings for myself. For now, I have decided to save the bracelet in journal 2, and the necklace somewhere else. Maybe one day I'll make a special summoning spell, so that if I need it, I can summon it, but I definitely am not going to keep it. 


Mabel stared at the word for a while. piedra amuleto. Then, it suddenly sunk in, as Mabel was pretty good a different languages, and she knew Spanish like the back of her hand.

piedra amuleto translated into Amulet Stone. The name was very literal. Mabel's head was spinning. Wasn't Dipper's amulet in the shape of a bracelet? Also, earrings? that must mean that the author was a girl. That was A HUGE LEAD. Mabel furiously scribbled down notes.

"-Didn't write for a day, because she was traveling.

-Found a new stone, called it piedra amuleto, which translates to Amulet Stone in Spanish.

-Made a ring, bracelet, necklace, and earrings with it. (I have the necklace, apparently, Dipper had the bracelet, the author kept the earrings for herself, and I don't know who has the ring"

Mabel was about to turn the page, when someone tapped her on the shoulder. It was the librarian.

"Dear, it's time to leave. We're closing up" The lady said regretfully. Mabel nodded. She packed up her stuff, but Mabel made a vow as she left.

Tomorrow she would come back and do the same thing.


End Of Episode 3

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