TBP Part 1

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     Mabel walked out of the library, starting to feel frustrated. She wasn't going to get to finish the journal today. Mabel looked at the sky as she walked, and noticed it was sunset. She started walking faster. If she got home, ate dinner, and took a shower quickly, she could at least read one more page before she had to go to bed. Besides, it not like she didn't have tomorrow to go to the library.

Mabel found herself at the house just in time. She silently patted herself on the back for running the whole way back here from town. Mabel walked in the door, and her parents walked over.

"Hey honey, how was the library?" Carla asked, smiling at her daughter as she put a plate of macaroni and cheese on the table. Mabel put her backpack down and sat at the table and began to eat.

"It was good. I got a lot of..um..reading done" Mabel explained in between bites of her food. Her father gave a approving nod.

"Glad to hear it. Now why don't you head upstairs and shower. Then you can go to bed," Carla suggested to her daughter.

"Ok!" Mabel agreed, finishing up, and grabbing her backpack. Mabel hugged her parents before heading up the stairs. She went into her room and unpacked her bag, grabbed pajamas, and then headed towards the bathroom for a shower.

Mabel now wore some comfy pajamas, with fluffy and baggy pine tree encrusted white pants, and a teal long sleeve shirt.

Mabel flopped onto her bed, shutting the door to her room. She opened the journal, thinking that she was going to read just one more page before she went to bed.


July 16th 1988

I have been using my earrings for a day now, and I've made some observations. They can glow when I'm using them. They radiate magic, and if you use them a lot, your hair can start to turn the amulet stones color. I'm going to seek some guidance from my muse about them, and other things tonight.


 Mabel closed the book with a sigh. She was now tired as the events of the day sunk in finally. Mabel turned off her light, put her journal down, and closed her eyes. That was all it took for her to fall asleep.


Mabel woke up the next day with a content sigh. She could read more of the journal today. She got out of bed, and changed into a white shirt, grey plaid, ripped jeans (ripped from adventures) and converse. She put hair into a messy bun, grabbed her journal, notebook, and pencil. She was ready to go.

After all, it was the last day of the 'break' she had from school, due to her being hurt, they had allowed her a few days off. Mabel went downstairs, and greeted her parents.

"Hey darling. I know you probably want to head out, but can I have you today? We need your help in the restaurant." Carla greeted, a hint of guilt in her voice. Mabel gave her a 'really' look.

"But mom! This is my last day before I go back to school, and I wanted to make the best of it!" Mabel begged. Mabel's dad come over, and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Mabel, no buts. We need your help." Stan said. Mabel sighed, but nodded slowly.

Now Mabel knew would never get the chance to investigate the journal fully.

Just great.

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