BTS Part 2

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      Mabel ran downstairs to pick up her belongings, and hugged her parents, bidding them goodbye for a while. Mabel then walked out of the door, breathing with relief as soon as she got into the fresh air. Mabel now had to make the journey into town. Granted, it was only 5 minutes walking, but still, it always felt like forever, and Mabel hated that feeling of something taking forever. 

Mabel was halfway to town when she got that feeling she had gotten the night before again. She was being watched. This time, instead of ignoring it like she did last time, Mabel whipped around. She saw something rush to hide. Mabel narrowed her mocha brown eyes. So she WAS being watched, and by the looks of it, it could be something supernatural.

Mabel wasn't sure she knew what to do. Mabel silently cursed herself for not reading all of the journal before this. Maybe it would have had answers for her. Instead, she was like a deer in headlights, except for she was ten times better looking then a deer in headlights (or so she'd like to think).

"Who's there!" Mabel decided to demand, reaching in her backpack. Oh right. She had only planned on bringing stuff to help her with the journal. Great. No weapons that she could defend herself with. 

"Come on Mabel, look around. Anything around you could be used in defense if you think right" Mabel thought, scanning the area with sharp eyes.

Mabel finally decided on a couple of sharp rocks, and a branch of a tree that had fallen off. Mabel knew that she probably looked more ridiculous then threatening, but she knew she had to investigate the problem, and find out  what kind of creep was watching her, whether it be a paranormal creep, or just a normal creep.

"COME OUT AND YOU DON'T GET HURT" Mabel shouted. The bushes rustled. Mabel held her breath, scared for a moment. Whatever it was, it looked a lot bigger then she was. Mabel made her grip on the branch tighter.  

Nothing came out. Mabel guessed it was running away. Regaining her composure, Mabel glanced at the path, and then jumped into the bushes, letting out a pained wail as she landed face first.

Mabel groaned as she picked herself up, scanning what was there. It just looked like a bunch of bushes to her.

Mabel stood up fully now. She was very confused. How the heck could she stand up in bushes that didn't even look big enough for a rabbit. 

Mabel then realized that maybe the outer bushes had been a entrance of some sort. It would make sense. Mabel shook her head, and ran around, trying to find whatever it was, until she heard a thump up ahead. Mabel followed the direction of the sound until she found a very shadowy looking figure lying on the ground. Mabel gasped.

"I'm exhausted..Just finish me" The shadow said. Mabel hesitated, glancing at the stuff in her palms. She then put them down.

"I won't hurt you...just don't follow me around's weird and creepy." Mabel explained, turning away, and lunging herself at what looked like the entrance and exit bushes.

Mabel was right, and she had landed right in town. The library was only a second away, so Mabel hurried there, not caring that her hair was full of leaves and twigs now from her adventure in the bushes.

After all this today, she was finally going to get to read it


                              End of Episode 2

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