TBP Part 3

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       Mabel's head shot up when she noticed the world turning grey. This could mean one of two things, and neither was good. When a familiar glowing yellow triangle with a top hat and bow tie appeared, there was no doubt. Mabel gulped.

"Hey kid, I've noticed you've been stressed lately. Why don't you take a break? I can take some things off your hands, for a small fee" Bill said in his layered voice that made Mabel cringe. Mabel considered his offer. On one hand, Bill was a trickster. On another hand, Mabel would KILL for someone to be able to take some things off her plate for a while, so she could get some free time.

"Alright, but whats the fine print?" Mabel decided to be cautious. Bill seemed to think.

"A puppet." He said. Mabel was surprised. This really was a small fee. Mabel went over to her closet, and took out a handful of old sock puppets she had made when she was like, 7.

"Ok, so it's a deal?" Bill asked, reaching his hand out with blue flames. Mabel reached her hand out, and they shook on it. Mabel paused.

"So wait, which one do you want? I don't want them, so if you want them all, just take them..?" Mabel asked uncertainly.

"Hmm..Eenie meenie mynie... YOU!" Bill shouted suddenly. He jerked Mabel's hand, and Mabel felt a terrible sensation pass through her. She found herself floating in midair. Mabel tried to clutch her amulet just by pure instinct, but her hand passed through her. Mabel gasped a horrible gasp in realization.

Her body started to get up.

"Bill what did you do to me!" Mabel screeched. Babel laughed.

"Sorry kid, but your getting to close to figuring out major things, and so I gotta stop you." Babel paused as Mabel's phone beeped. It was a reminder to get ready for the party. Babel grinned evilly. 

"Looks like I have a party to go to" Babel laughed. Mabel winced at Babel as Babel picked out a ugly grey dress, and brown heels. There was no way that this was going to work without being suspicious, but Mabel didn't care. She was just horrified at herself. She needed to get her body back.

"Bill, I'll stop you!"Mabel shouted angrily. Babel turned to her, smiling.

"Ah, but how? You can't be heard without a vessel to possess. Now, buh bye!" Babel waved as he walked out the door.

Mabel grimaced, and floated out of the wall by pure accident. Mabel's eyes immediately landed on a person walking nearby, seemingly on the way to the party. Mabel decided to float closer. Maybe it was a person who could help. As Mabel floated closer, she recognized Dipper Corduroy.

Mabel grinned. She may hate Dipper's guts for what his family did to her, but he knew about Bill more then anyone. Mabel, as fast as she could, went back to the shack and went into a puppet she had made of herself. She then floated back. 

"Diiiippperr!" Mabel called into his ear. Dipper whipped around to face her. He gasped, and took the puppet into his hands.

"Mabel? what happened?" Dipper asked, looking around in case anyone was around.

"Bill..possessed me. I need your help, Dipper. Please" Mabel admitted. Dipper nodded.

"Ok. I have a idea. You stay here, or, better yet, hide. When I give the cue, come out. Now HIDE! Your body is walking towards us" Dipper whispered urgently. Mabel did as told, hiding the puppet in the bushes, and also, aware that Bill could see her, flung herself into the bush. She silently cursed herself for being so careful. She was invincible right now.

"Hey, Dipper" Mabel heard Babel greet Dipper. Mabel narrowed her eyes.

"Hey, Mabel. I was thinking....wanna go for a walk?" Dipper asked. Babel's eyebrows lifted in true confusion.

"O-ok" Babel agreed. Mabel watched as Dipper took Babel's hand carefully, and put his other hand on his amulet. He muttered something, and Mabel watched as her body fell. Dipper caught it, and motioned for Mabel.

"Be quick" He mouthed. Mabel did as told, and felt feeling again as she plummeted back into her body. She opened her eyes to see Dipper still holding her carefully, concern in his eyes.

"Mabel?" He whispered. Mabel groaned.

"Dipper?" Mabel questioned him. Dipper took Mabel's hand in his own, and helped her upright herself, freeing her from his arms.

"Mabel, your hair...and your eyes..." Dipper gasped. Mabel's eyes widened.

"Show me!" Mabel demanded. She sighed as Dipper handed her his phone, and she took a look at herself, and gasped.

Her hair had a lot of light blue streaks, like her amulet, and her eyes were lightly color yellow.


End of Episode 4

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