CB part 3

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  Mabel gasped in realization. She threw Dipper back, and glared daggers at him, her voice cold with anger as she spoke.

    "You!" She exclaimed, eyes lit with fury.

  "Mabel! I-I can explain why-" Dipper was cut off by Mabel.

"How dare you show your face around me after what you did...what your family did to me!" Mabel shouted. Dipper's face fell and little, but he bit his lip and continued to speak.

"Mabel, you know as well as I do that it wasn't my fault! I was being controlled!" Dipper begged, upset. Mabel didn't even listen.

"You still almost killed me! You think that being controlled is a excuse? IT'S NOT! I never want to see you again!" Mabel shouted, not noticing that her amulet was glowing a strange green color.

"Whats going on here?" Pacifica made her way to Mabels side, and finally saw that Dipper was there. She instantly became furious.

"You! You weren't even invited! Why would you be after what you did? You must leave. NOW." Pacifica said, her voice cold as well.

"No! Listen to me. It was not my fault! You two know that! Please, let me stay!" Dipper begged. He had never begged in public before, and he was embarrassed that he was now.

"No." Pacifica said, a hint of sadness in her voice. She clapped, and instantly, guards appeared to escort Dipper out of the building.

"Mabel! Please listen!" He begged as the guards dragged him away. Mabel was shaking when he finally was dragged out. Pacifica, noticing this, put a comforting hand on Mabel's shoulder. Mabel's eyes glistened with regret.

"I wish I could think of him the same way I used to..but now that I almost died because of his family, I never will." Mabel mummered sadly.

"It's not your fault. It's not like you could have foreseen his treachery. Now, come on. It's getting late. Let's enjoy the last hour of this party." Pacifica soothed in a calm voice.

"I really should get going" Mabel said, glancing at the clock. Pacifica gave her a sympathetic look.

"Ok, but at least take the gift bag" Pacifica said handing Mabel a small bag. Mabel's eyes lit up in surprise.

"What's this for?" Mabel said, confusion clouding her gaze.

"Its for helping me out all those times. Now, if you must go..well..talk to you later!" Pacifica said, trying to keep her voice cheerful. Mabel gave Pacifica a quick goodbye hug, and then left the building, only glancing back once.

As she was walking home in the dark, Mabel had the feeling she was being followed, and it didn't help that it was a full moon, and she was cutting through the woods, which were almost pitch black.

"Light on" she muttered to her amulet. Her amulet lit up and gave her a good beacon of light to see.

"Whos there" Mabel demanded. Nothing came out. Thinking that it was just that she was paranoid, she continued home, exhausted.

When she got to her room, Mabel instantly fell asleep in the covers of her bed, not aware that something was watching her from the shadows of her window.

The End of Episode 1.

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