TEF Part 1

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                 Wendy grasped her earrings in her hands, shaking, and grimaced. She felt a dark aura coming from the amulet, like someone evil was taking it, but that wasn't true, so she could only make an inference.

Mabel and Dipper's amulets had been taken already. This was very bad, as Bill was powerful enough, but if he got the amulets..Wendy shuddered at the thought. It was at that moment that Carla reached Wendy, and narrowed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Carla asked, looking closely at Wendy.

"Somethings wrong, Carla...I think their amulets got taken..oh no" Wendy breathed out. Carla instantly understood.

This was really bad.


  Mabel gasped, starting to tremble. Well, tremble as much as she could tied up in magical yellow rope. She even felt Dipper take in a shuddering breath, shock radiating from him in waves. Bill snapped his fingers again, and now Dipper's amulet was in his grasp. Dipper and Mabel now were really nervous and scared. With their amulets, at least they had a fighting chance, but now that was gone, and they were at Bill's mercy.

Bill was now cackling, and Mabel winced.

How were they going to get out of this one?


"Ok, so it's set up, now I will have to chant this. Grab my hand, Carla" Wendy ordered. Carla obeyed, trembling.

Wendy, determined, put down the journals in order, and cleared her throat.

"trouver mon chemin vers le mindscape pour sauver les autres et vaincre le chiffrement!"  Wendy chanted. A white glow emitted, and it worked. They were there, and just in time to see Bill take Dipper's amulet, and start cackling.

"Cipher! leave the children alone!"  Wendy spat, lunging at him. Bill tried to blast her, but she dodged it.

"I know your tricks to well, Cipher." Wendy laughed drily, dodging yet another blast. Carla took the chance to go and untie the children.

Mabel and Dipper instantly formed a battle stance out of instinct, but then realized that this wouldn't do much without their amulets.

Pretty soon, it was a full-blown battle, and with all the things happening, Mabel didn't notice at first when Bill gave her a knowing look, and started squeezing the amulet, and Dipper's.

Mabel soon noticed though, and she gasped out with pain, as did Dipper. 

It soon went black for both of them.


Mabel and Dipper awoke the next day, in careful care of Wendy and Carla, and soon they were back, and they had their amulets back, but only for limited use, and they were happy with that.

Mabel was now complete, and she grew up to accomplish great things in Gravity Falls alongside Pacifica and Dipper, but...

That's a story for another day.


The End

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