BA Part 1

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      Dipper put a hand on Mabel's shoulder as she looked at herself, wincing. The yellow from her eyes was fading a bit by the minute, but it still sucked that that even happened. Mabel took a deep breath, and forced herself to give the mirror back to Dipper. She was angry at herself for even falling for Bill's tricks.

"It's alright, Mabel. I fell for the easy flattery too. Your not alone." Dipper whispered softly to Mabel. Mabel clutched her amulet, and sighed.

"I shouldn't have fallen for his tricks, though Dipper. It was so fake! Yet I fell for it..." Mabel trailed off and Dipper growled.

"Mabel, it's not your fault, and it never will be. It's all Bill." Dipper said forcefully as he pulled Mabel in for a hug. Mabel returned the hug, needing it more then she knew. After a minute, the duo parted, Dipper looking like he needed to confess something.

"Mabel..I deserved all your hate after what happened-" Dipper began. Mabel's eyes widened as she realized that she had thrown all that out of the window, but yet, she couldn't bring herself to hold a grudge anymore.

"No, Dipper, it's alright. I understand that you were controlled, and I welcome you back as my friend" Mabel said, trying not to sound rude, while also trying to sound comforting.

Dipper gave her a wide, dorky grin.  Mabel snickered.

"Well, are we going to go to the party? Gideon will be there"  Dipper asked, nudging Mabel with his elbow, as if he had guessed that Mabel had a crush on Gideon. Mabel's face grew bright red.

"S-shut up!" Mabel squeaked, pushing Dipper aside. Dipper laughed at Mabel's  bright face, until he took a deep breath to make himself serious again.

"Seriously though, let's go" Dipper said. Mabel nodded, recovering from her momentary embarrassment, and tried to take a step, forgetting she had heels on, and she wobbled.

"Oh shoot, forgot Bill put on freaking heels" Mabel spat. Dipper chuckled, and helped her steady herself. The two walked a bit more, and the house was in sight.

Mabel didn't even notice when Dipper and her both started to float up, until they were almost above the trees. Mabel immediately started panicking, as Dipper was already doing as soon as he noticed.

Then the gravitational anomaly stopped. Mabel felt cold, hard dread as she started to fall. Mabel thought fast, grabbing her amulet to bring her and Dipper down safely. 

"Phew..thanks Mabel. Look, I have a idea of where these are coming from, but you'll need to keep calm, ok?" Dipper told Mabel. Mabel nodded.

"I just wanna get out of the open before another one happens" Mabel muttered. Dipper nodded, and Dipper started the lead, grabbing Mabel's hand so that she didn't get lost. Mabel eventually stopped him, noticing that they were nearing her place.

"Hey, are we going to my house?" Mabel asked, concern on her face.

"Because I saw a light coming from that place when the anomaly was happening. Sorry Mabel" Dipper answered, regret on his face.

Mabel sighed sadly, and gave her consent to keep going to the house. 

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