BA Part 2

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    Mabel gave a dip of her head, and the two kept on going towards the house that made the light, and had the highest possibility of being the house that made the anomaly. Or, in other words, Mabel's house. Mabel couldn't help but start trembling as they ran, almost falling in her brown heels that Bill had put on her when he had possessed her. Mabel didn't know exactly if Dipper was right about that, but if he was, Mabel wondered why her parents would cause a gravitational anomaly.

Mabel was too busy thinking now, and she tripped on a stick that laid on the ground. She fell with a thump, and started to get up, noticing that Dipper had dropped back to help her.

"Thanks." Mabel thanked Dipper when he helped her up again. Dipper gave her a reassuring smile.

"Mabel, are you going to be alright to continue going? I mean, I noticed you trembling, and I'm worried that you may be overcome with emotion..."Dipper rambled, stopping himself just in time before he rambled to much.

"Y-yes, I'll be alright. I'm just wondering, if your right...why would my parents start anomalies? They have everything they want, they've told me that before." Mabel confessed, her voice shaky.

Dipper put a hand on her shoulder, and Mabel felt a bit better, knowing that she would have her friend by her side no matter what.

"Ok, I'm ready." Mabel said. Dipper grinned at her, and the two walked only a minute more before another anomaly happened.

"GRAB ONTO A TREE" Dipper yelled at her, as if Mabel hadn't already figured out she needed to do that. Mabel just gave him a nod, and held onto a tree for dear life until it stopped. Then, both Mabel and Dipper used their amulets to get down safely. 

The house was now in view, but in the panic of the last anomaly, Dipper nor Mabel had noticed it. The exchanged a glance, and walked towards the house, each one gripping their amulet tightly as they opened the door. The first thing Mabel noticed, was that a bookcase was seemingly opened. Mabel and Dipper both exchanged a glance, and walked towards it.

There were stairs. Mabel gasped, suddenly feeling like she was going to be sick. How many other things had her parents hid?

A comforting pat from Dipper revived her enough to grip her amulet again, and let Dipper lead them both down the stairs, until a elevator came up. They went in, and pressed for the last level. When they got down, the first thing they saw was Carla and Stan standing side by side, smiling at a triangle-shaped portal looking thing.

Mabel and Dipper exchanged a glance, and jumped into the room, knocking the door of the viewing area away.

"MOM, DAD, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON" Mabel shouted as she and Dipper used their amulets, and formed a battle stance.

"Mabel-" Stan and Carla whipped around in unison, gasping.


Mabel nodded at Dipper, and started racing towards the off button


Mabel threw herself at it, desperate.


Everything went white for about a minute, before Mabel found herself lying on the ground, opening up her eyes, and shakily getting up with Dipper's help.

A figure stepped out of the portal, and Carla jumped up.

"Who's that?" Mabel gasped.

"The author of the journals. My' sister'" 

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