Chapter 3

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Emily’s POV

still the 3rd November, 2013

We were all sitting in the large living area in their new tour bus. (From left to right: Liam, Niall, Harry, Me and Zayn). Niall had fallen asleep on Liam his shoulder, probably jet lagged from the long fligt. While Liam was texting someone or just pretending to be busy with his phone. And  Zayn was doing nothing, just thinking and wondering about something, I guess. 

"So... what did you do for the last 8 months without us, except being cute?" Harry asked, giving me his 'I'm way too sexy for you’ flirt face.

"Well, I was in Spain with Eleanor for a while this summer. We went out for diner with our family a couple of times, started going to the gym with a friends from school... I also went shopping with El a few times. Eurhm, I also spent a lot of time hanging around with my friends and stuff. Of course I started my senior year in september..  And now you guys are back." I explained. "And what about you guys, what have you been doing, apart from traveling the world?"

"Nothing much really, I mean after our shows we are always really tired so we usually just sleep and eat and go to the loo and that kind of stuff,  yeah I know the glamourous life of a popstar!" Harry said, wich made the both of us laugh. 

 Niall's Pov


Emily stood infront of me, smiling. She has changed. In a good way of course. Not that she wasn't pretty before, but now she is not a little kid anymore. She turned so beautiful. Or did I just notice this all now? It just makes it harder to be friends like we used to be, you know it's really hard watching a movie or cuddling and talking to someone when you suddenly feel the urge to kiss that person. It will be more complicated now Emily has become so fucking hot. Oh god, did I really call her "fucking hot"?

That does not mean anything good. But it's the truth. Oh gos. I mean I  just love how her hair falls past her shoulders. And when I look into her eyes I just get lost. And her skin, it's so soft and has a that beautiful soft brown color.    

STOP IT NIALL! She is your friend, nothing least not yet....  No Niall! She is Eleanor's sister and Lou always tells us he sees her as his "little" sister, even though she is 17. He has told us so many times that she is not available for dating until she's 30. You probably think he is joking, but let me tell you he is definitely not. If someone would just look at her way I think then he'll strangle him in his sleep. He is just really over protective over her.

Zayn's POV

 I miss Perrie.

I hate the fact that our schedules don't get along. She just left a week ago for a tour. Hopefully we get to see each other soon.

Ow wait...

Everyone is staring at me.

Shit, Em asked me something.

I can see Hazza and Liam telling me NO, with wide eyes, by shaking their heads.. Huh?

= Emily's Pov =

 "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when Louis tells them his surprise." Harry chuckled. Liam nodded in agreement. But then he realized that I was still sitting next to them, and he punched Harry annoyed, in the stomach. "Dude, shut up!" he whisper-shouted.

"Ow, Shit, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that!" Harry's cheeks turned bright red.

"Surprise!? Did you just say Lou has a surprise?" I asked excitedly. "What is it? What is it! Tell me Hazza?" I asked in the cutest voice I could do. Gosh I really love surprises.

"Surprise? Pff, no. What are you talking about!? I don't know nothing about any surprises, do you Liam?"  he said shaking with his head to the right, so that his hair will fall better. And I know that he only does that when he is lying or flirting or when he is just really bloody nervous.  

"Of course, there's no surprise. Why would you think there is one?" Liam fake smiled at me. I know Liam or Harry will not say anything and since Niall is asleep, is Zayn my last hope. 

"Zayn, what is this bloody surprise where these idiots are talking about?" I asked him curiously. I saw the guys trying to tell Zayn not to say a word, but it seemed like Zayn didn't even heard me. Probably he was just very deep in thoughts.

A couple of minutes passed before he realized we were all looking at him. "Huh, What? Did I missed something?" he asked shocked.

"What for surprise does Louis have for me and Ellie?" I asked again.

No answer.

The only thing he did was glare at the boys who tried to escape his angry gaze. "You told her about Louis' surprise. Ow, now he will be happy." he said sarcastic.

"It's Harry his fault! He told her!" Liam tried to defend himself, pointing at Harry. "Hey, don't just blame me! It's your fault as well." Harry shot back. 

"Guys, please,…let it be! I don't even have to know it anymore. I'll just pretend that I don't know anything about whatever the hell it is… Louis doesn't even have to know that you guys couldn't keep your mouths shut." I said and the two guys immediately smiled again, agreeing by nodding their heads enthusiastic. I saw that they wanted to say something but Paul interrupted us.

I noticed that the car stopped, don't the bloody hell tell me that the car fell out of gas.

"We're at your house, Emily!" Paul informed us.

I saw Liam waking Niall, and that Zayn and Harry already were leaving the bus. I followed them. Louis and Ellie were already there, well.....I could see El's car... so I assumed they are back. But I didn't really care about it, the only thing I could think of right now was what the hell that freaking surprise thing could be!






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