Chapter 22

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= Emily's POV =

the 29th September, 2014

"Heeej MUM !!" shouted I enthusiastically while I waved to the computer scream.

"Hey mum." said Eleanor quite nervous ...I guess....

"OOOH, heeey girlss !! Wait give me a second !" said she where after she turned herself away from the scream and shouted "HONEY THE GIRLS ARE ONLINE AT SKYPE !! MOVE YOU ASS TOWARDS HERE !!..........IMMEDIATELY !!"

That let me and Ellie burst out in chuckles, well mum didn't changed,, that's sure!

And I think that Eleanor started to get more and more comfortable.

I smiled at her with my "Are you still alright?" look, where she replied at me with a "Yep, hopefully they aren't gonna kill me!" look.

Just as I wanna give her a 'look' back, did dad burst into the door at mum's room!

He waved enthusiastically at us, where after he said "Heej! How are my princesses doing?"

I'm willing to bet on it that if he stood before us in our cheeks pinched.

But yeah eh!

They are fathers, who usually serve to embarrass you and take you to bring partying.

"Hey Dad, I'm doing alright!" I said, while I enthusiastically waved back at him.

"That's good sweetie! And I've heard that you have something with Nico?" he said out while he looked at me with his "About Protection Against Boys" look.

"Dad, his name is Niall and yes!" I said before I let out a a sigh.

But come'on... hello? Who will name his kid  in this century now... Nico?

"Aaah well, I hope he treats you well or else he get problems with 'Big Daddy' ! Tell him that!"  said he  while he pointed at me, I notcied me that Mom didn't say much.

But probably it is because she is doing her nails, ... typical eh!

I nodded to daddy, then he looked to Eleanor and asked "And how is it going with you and that... Lewis?".

I looked quickly to Eleanor her face to see if you can read it her emotions…

"Well firstly it's L-O-U-I-S !! ..Euhmhm,, good ah! Everything is going great with you see he! And of course is he also going great eh! And our relationship is going super good !! You know, like normal people eh! A very simple relationship so uh ..... not that there exist abnormal relationship's. Okay, maybe, bu-...." said Eleanor in one breath.

Let me just say that this was what I meant, as Ellie's nervous she talked a lot and a lot of nonsense.

Mum stopped doing her nails, she closed  the jar and placed it aside.

While daddy sat right in his chair and looked at us urgently.

"Ellie, what's wrong honey?" Mom asked, while Ellie gave a compassionate look.

"Euhmhm, Mom, Dad take a seat please ! ... Erm okay I forget for a moment that you guys already are  sitting down !"  said she, when she went with her hand through her hair, while our parents still very attentively to us were watching.

"I'm engaged." said Eleanor  while she looked from Mum at Dad.

Well, I must admit that I had no idea how they would react, probably this is also because Eleanor was more a "mum" for me then they or because they were almost never home, but that's not the point!

It is about Eleanor's engagement

After a while my parents are still staring at us, soo... Eleanor said/shouted  "Mum! Dad! Please say something, I mean you can’t be mad about this eh! Normally, as my parents you should be happy, but tha-" Eleanor was interrupted by mom (who meanwhile had burst out in tears).

"Honey, of course we're not mad! But you must understand that it is quite a big shock if your 20 year old daughter says she's engaged! And of course, are we terribly happy!" said Mom, with tears rolling on her cheeks, she also tried to smile,.....I said tried eh!

A little later she nudged dad, he said ".... Euhmhm of course honey, ... your mother is right! But now I just realized that we were not often there for you girls, and that the time went very quickly. " said he, suddenly were there tears running down his cheeks.

Eurgghgh,,.....don't cry Emily calder,...keep yourself strong for Eleanor, ....don't cry, don't cry...Alright? ..Yes ma'am..

I quickly looked to Eleanor, but there was not a tear in sight, which probably will not come and that is mainly because Eleanor is not going to forgive our parents for everything that happened.

And you should know Eleanor is one of her word. "Well, I'm glad you're not angry, but Dad! You'll found that out very late for that ! You guys always left us somewhere behind, did I actually ever told you guys that the nanny Ms. Bilmory and the chef cook M. Jackson, or like we call them Sarah and Malcome, were more like parents to us than you will ever be! And now a couple of things about Emily! " said she, where after she took a deep breath.

While my parents were already looking in shock at her.

And I? Well, I know that that wasn’t even an eruption, that was just an..... introduction ...?

I saw that Ellie looked for a second down at her feet, where after she shouted "WHO did always take care of Emily? WHO did always help her with her homework? WHO mad always sure that she came home after a party? WITH WHO does she always cuddled en yeah, still cuddle up if she can't sleep or had a nightmare? WHO did always take care of her? WHO gave her advice about boys? WHO made sure that she ended her high school? WHO always brought her to school? WITH WHO does she live, do you think? You guys have to know that I'm that 'who', but probably you always knew that! But I don't care, I bet she's more like mine daughter than she ever will be yours! And now you don't have to think that your are still welcome in the family! Sooo, I'm just gonna get married, and I don't even care anymore if my kids later have grandparents, cause as you two are gonna be that 'grandparents', then..just let it be! My kids will still have Louis' parent as grandparents !! And you know what? They are incredible and sweet, you can't said that about all the parents can you? Well,......bye!" shouted she where after she just logged out at Skype.

"Are you alright Ellie?" asked I while I pulled her in a hug.

"Yess, honey,....I'm fine..!" said she, while the tears started rolling from her eyes, ...but she smiled to me.






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