Chapter 21

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  = Emily's POV =

still the 29th September, 2014

"Hey Ellie! How are you going?" he asked, and he quickly gave my sister a hug.

"Good! And you? Well, .... you are loving my sister with your entire heart.. So everything is okay .." she said, while she gave him an eyebrow wiggle, and of course she hugged him back.

"Erm .. ..yes. I hope you don't mind it or" said he, while he went with a hand through his hair, but he got interrupted by Eleanor.

"Of course I have no problem with that Niall! .....I would only have problems with... well ... actually you ... if you cheated on her or break her heart....because then I’ll BREAK YOU.." said she deadly serious as she looked at him angrily.

Let me just tell you that my sister can be quite convincing... just ask Louis and my parents!

"Of course, I would never-" Niall said nodding, but he's getting interrupted again by Eleanor.

Well,....not really 'interrupted', ..but she turned her back to us and started walking towards Louis and his family.

Probably she wanted to heard him just say "never".

"Um, okay. We knew already that I have a special sister." said I, looking at him with my sweetest smile.

Niall grinned and pulled me into a hug, allowing all fans start screaming hysterically.

I have no idea if they scream of grief and because they are hurt or because they are happy and excited.

Let's hope for the latter, because I don't want to get 'hate' again.

"Look, even the fans think that your great!" Niall whispered as he hid his face in my hair, which of course the fans will scream even louder.

"Sure, that's why I gotTwitter hate eh!" said I with a grin on my face.

He just chuckled, then he broke our hug and said, "Follow me, then you can see my parents again..."

A little later he grabbed my hand and we walked past the rest of the guys who are still talking and cuddling with their family.

He stopped when we were standing infront of two adults and a young man who probably is his older brother.

"Mum, dad, Greg!! Denise and Theo!!" said he, where after he let go of my hand, He started to hug them one by one. Then he placed Theo in his arms.. God what is Niall so cute with kids..

I stuck my hand out, to shake theirs.

 But Niall's mother had other intensions, she ignored my hand and pulled me in hug "Oooh, how nice to finally see you again. You are getting prettier and more prettier every time we meet "she said, where after she broke our hug and gave me a small wink. I smiled at her and said "Thank you, ma'am! I'm also very happy to see you all again!”

His mother smiled at me then she said "Honey I have told already a couple of times just call me Maura, otherwise I would feels so old. And of course I heard nothing but good things of you, even when we Skype , then he always talked about you and when we cal - "

She is interrupted by Niall who coughed and mumbled " Mom! "

I turned my head to Niall to see that he was blushing and was giving his mother a deadly look. He played with Theo's teddy bear making weird noises, making Theo laugh..

Whereupon she threw her hands defensively in the air.

To keep the conversation going, said Niall's father to me "Don't mind Maura,, ...she sometimes talks too much ,than is necessary,"  he said , where after she nudged him. For 2 divorced persons they seem to get along still pretty good.

 Which  made of course let Greg and Niall chuckle, "but she means it right. Is that better?, " said Niall's dad while he looked back to her, she nodded and the boys even started to laugh harder.

They both have a 'heyena' laugh...if you ever heard Niall laugh....then you know what I mean. And if you never heard him laugh, then let me tell you.....YOU DON'T WANT TO!!


"IIt's nice to seey you again Emily! I'm glad that Niall is still together with an amazing girl as you"he said as he gave me a quick hug, where after he started to discuss something with Maura.

Then Niall’s brother stood suddenly infront of me, he hugged me while he said "So I alreayd told Niall you were a keeper.. I guess someone was right. "said he as he nudged Niall who just chuckled.

"Well,.. I hope you are right,.. I'm not planning to let go of this amazing guy anytime soon.. "said I, while I chuckled and innocent shrugged my shoulders.

Niall and Greg chuckled too.

= 21 minutes later =

The rest of the guys were handing out autographs, but Niall had already did that , so that is why he is standing here with me.

"My parents really like you and I think Theo absolutey loves you! ... So that's certainly good eh!" said he, where after he gave me a peck on my sleep.

"Yippee! Luckily, ...whew ... now I'm quite relieved ..." said I, as I put my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me ..





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