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*Elora's POV*

Like every morning, I awoke and stretched, savoring the warmth of my bed for as long as possible. I padded down the stairs towards the kitchen where my customary bowl of oatmeal was waiting. I paused when I heard Farrah and our parents talking in hushed tones.

"You're human."

"What?" I said, stepping into the warm kitchen.

"Farrah is Human, she's not part Elf or Mage like you." Mom answered. I touched my ears, feeling the slight point on them. I looked at hers. I wondered why I never noticed it before, but now I can't forget it.

"How did she end up in our family?"

"Your mom and I worked with her parents; they were killed in their sleep one night," Dad explained.

"That makes sense. So what do we now?" I asked.

"Go practice downstairs." Mom told me.

"Spar? But I suck at fighting as it is, plus she doesn't do to hand-to-hand like me."

"Just go Elora, it will help both of you more than you realize." I groaned, "Alright."

I put my dishes in the sink and went up to my room and put on my clothes. I put on a pair of black breeches and a tight burgundy shirt, plus a pair of fingerless gloves. Finally, I pulled on a pair of supple brown boots and walked down to the basement training room.

I don't understand why I have to spar with her. Sure, I love her to pieces but I'm only good at punching things. She worked with blades, and I've never even picked one up in my life. They look heavy.

Why couldn't mom and dad work with her? They're already constantly kissing her ass, why can't they do this? It'll give them more time with her and then they can praise her for another thing.

I swear my parents loved their adopted child more than me. Of course, there's nothing wrong with loving her, because I love her the most. It would just be nice to have some of the attention. I don't think I've had a conversation longer than five minutes with any of them in the past six months.

They worked their asses off so I understood that, but maybe have all four of us spend some time together would be nice. Farrah is really good at spending time with me, and she doesn't brag about the love she gets from them.

She's very humble and just wants everyone to be happy. I don't think she has a bad bone in her body.

I sat on one of the benches across from the entrance before I took off my right glove and started to try and practice some magic. The most I could do was make flowers in my hand, make some snowfall, little things like that.

I conjured up a small ball of fire. I held it between both of my hands and threw it. It went out before it went three feet. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do anything I wanted to do with magic. I was pissed that I couldn't do magic, maybe then I could get some appreciation and feel some worth in this family.

"Wow, El, what an amazing mage you are. You can barely keep your own fireball lit." She said, jokingly.

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't good at magic. If I couldn't use my hand for that, I use them to physically fight people, "I'd like to see you try."

She laughed, "Ha ha very funny. Now let's get to sparring."

"I don't know what Mom and Dad want from me, I literally can't do anything. All I can do is a fist fight. Which you don't want to do."

"Then I'll have to teach you swordsmanship." She went over to the big cabinet with all the weapons in it and she couldn't even open the door.

"How do you expect to teach me to fight like you and such, if you can't even open the door." I mocked as I walked over to her. I twisted the handle up and open the door.

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