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*Elora's POV*

After that day with Caden, I've gained my confidence back and I've started working again. Caden somehow convinced Amara to pardon me not working, and agreed that if it happened again that I would be sorry for it. He was brave to do that, I had a lot to repay him for.

I was back in the kitchen and I was just about to finish the very last chore for this room. I got all the dirt from the kitchen in a pile and I scooped it up, throwing it away.

I took a breath of relief. I checked the clock, new record for finishing kitchen jobs.

"Yes!" I threw my fist in the air in excitement. This wasn't so hard once you're used to it. The only hard part was Vivian and her emotional abuse. I've been trying to ignore it. It does hurt, but I've been telling myself it isn't true.

Just when I thought I was able to be happy for the time being, the door to the kitchen slammed opened. I screamed in fright and turned to see Caden and Vivian coming in.

"Oh Elora." Caden said extending the o and a in my name. I groaned knowing what was going to happen. I swear they had cameras in this room because they time it right everytime.

He looked around and saw me standing behind the counter, "There you are." He said with a smirk.

"Caden, Vivian. Please not today, I was to feel some kind of accomplishment for once in my miserable life."

"You're finally coming to your senses about your life!" Vivian exclaimed.

Caden put his hand up and started to move a chair. I already knew what was happening the I started running. I was so close to making it out of the kitchen when someone got a hold of me.

I turned around and Vivian was using her magic on me to hold me where I was. Caden placed a chair where I was and she sat me down in it, placing a spell on me to not be able to move or get up.

Next thing I knew all the cabinet doors were being flung open and everything was spilling out. All the pots and pans crashed to the floors in a band. All the food in the cabinets were thrown to unknown places and baking good were all over the floor. Glasses were broken one by one and plates were being flung across the kitchen.

I sat there in disbelief that all of my hard work had just gone down the drain. Everything I had put work into was gone. I organized everything they owned to make my life a bit easier.

They walked past me and out the door once they took every SINGLE thing out of the kitchen and was all over the floor. Once the door was shut the spell was released and I fell forward from trying to move before. I kneeled on the ground and cried. I was so tired and I wanted this hell to end.

I started with the pots and pans, placing them back in the cabinets that they belonged to. Once everything solid was off the ground and cleaned, I started sweeping for the second time today.

Once I finished that I made the dinner they wanted. Thank the gods Farrah taught me literally everything or else I wouldn't have been able to complete half of these meal requests.

They came in and ate with no fuss. As they were eating I decided to walk to the library section of the palace. I wasn't really allowed in any other place of the palace than what I need to clean, so I was taking a huge risk.

I had never been in here up until this point so this was a surprise in itself. I opened the tall doors and gasped as I saw the room. Books were stacked on the shelves all the way up the the ceiling. There were stairs to another section on the second floor. Chairs and desks and even a fireplace in there.

I went up to the second floor, that way if they came in I could hide easier. I started scanning the shelves, my fingers brushing each book as I looked at their titles. I grabbed a book based on our world's history, and turned to the section about the Great War.

It was during the reign of the First King when a new enemy to His reign appeared, Amara. Amara was the Demon Queen of the Other Realm, she lusted after the beauty and warmth of the Realm of the Living. She amassed her demonic army and began to invade the Realm of the Living.

The humans in that realm, were long hated by the magical creatures they lived beside. Humans were the favourite creation of the Mother Goddess, Iara,  and She showed them Her holy favor. However, the other creatures shunned them, so when Amara tricked the humans, making them believe that it was Her will that they conquer their fellow creations.

At the final battle, the King's Army defeated Amara's forces, banishing her back to the Other Realm, and forcing the surviving humans into villages far separated from their magical counterparts. These laws were lessened when-

I was interrupted when a voice boomed throughout the room, "Elora! I know you're in here!" It was Amara. Shit. Out of all the people it had to be, it just had to be Amara.

"You know you're not supposed to be in here." She called, "Get back to the kitchen now and no harm will come to you!"

I took a deep breath and came out from behind the bookshelf I was sitting next to.

"I'm sorry Amara, I just-"

"I don't care, go."

I made my embarrassing walk down to her. I kept my head down and tried to walk past her. She grabbed my arm and delivered an awful shock to my arm. I fell to the ground in pain, screaming for my life.

I heard footsteps running toward where we were, "Now don't EVER come in here again!" Her voice boomed.

"Did you hurt her, mom?" Caden asked. She nodded her head, "Nice job!" And gave each other high fives.

"Serves you right," Vivian said at me and they all walked away, leaving me in pain.

Later that night in my cell, I kept rubbing my arm to try to make the pain go away. My burned have healed since then, I've tried to use some kind of magic on them, but it was no use.

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