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*Farrah's POV*

"Mom! You can't just stop there! What happened next?!" Patty said, shaking my arm. I looked over to my wife and sister, and they just shrugged. "I don't mind staying for a bit longer. I don't have work in the morning." Eli said from across the room.

I sighed, "Alright, buttercup, you win. I was trying to be all dramatic, and end it with that epic picture but I guess it is kind of a cliffhanger. Well, the King himself invited us to the capital, and there was a whole party in the palace dedicated to us. He lifted all of the laws against human segregation, and we got a lot of money. The Royal mage undid the spell Uncle Caden put on Aunt Eli, and pardoned Uncle Caden and Aunt Vivian of all of their crimes... And he ended the winnowing. There, the end."

My daughter pouted at me and shook my arm, "Tell it right mommy!"

"Rosie?" I looked over to her for some assistance, but she just shook her head, smiling at our child.

I gave in, "Alright, alright. We were standing on the balcony of the castle, and we looked like royalty..."

I squeezed Rosie's hand, looking over at her. She wore a blush pink dress made out of a light fabric that looked like it was floating around her and small fabric roses stitched onto the bodice. I wore a sky-blue dress of the same fabric, but mine was long-sleeved and was devoid of ornaments. Vivian wore a more fitting dress that was the color of wine and made her look like a siren, and Eli wore a lilac colored frock that made her look like a faery along with Caden in a sharp-looking black suit.

"Are you ready?" Elora asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded. Though, I couldn't calm the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. A small part of me was whispering, maybe it's a trap, or just a ruse to lull you into a false sense of security.

I didn't pay much attention to that voice, though, under my flowing gown, I had several daggers sheathed against my thighs and a throwing knife snugly tucked into my bodice. Eli called me crazy when she saw that I had armed myself, however, I wasn't going to take any chances. Just because we defeated the Demon Queen and saved the realm, we can't just strip away years of discrimination and violence and hatred from these stubborn Acrynians.

When we first received the invitation, I nearly fainted in shock. Before I could fully process what that violet seal on the front of the cram envelope meant, Eli had snatched it out of my hands and tore it open. She practically screamed the contents of the letter back at us, before rushing to her room to decide what she would wear.

She spent the rest of the day bemoaning the fact that she had nothing nice to wear, though when the royal seamstress arrived to create gowns for us and a suit for Caden, I'm pretty sure Eli died of joy.

The royal band started playing their fanfare, and the five of us bowed as the King stood beside us on the balcony, the crowd roaring.

"My fellow Acryans, we gather here today to say thank you," he extended his arm towards us, "to these five courageous citizens here, and to lead our great kingdom towards a brighter future."

He continued, "It has come to my attention that the laws against humans are severely outdated, and starting today, I will make it known that humans are more than welcome in our realm. And, also, Caden and Elora are pardoned from the winnowing, which will no longer take place, as it is an arcane and savage tradition that has no place in our society. We have saddened too many families in the loss of their loved ones. Both Caden and Vivian are exonerated for their past crimes."

All of the sorcerers in the realm could never match the brightness of our smiles that moment.

"Elora?" The King called. She turned her head to him and he held out his hand, waiting for her to walk over to him. My heart dropped, I trusted our King, but something innocent in me had died on those killing fields, and I could never truly trust any mortal's intentions towards my loved ones.

He turned back toward the crowd with Elora to his right, "There is one last thing I must do. I have been informed of your...condition, Elora, and I am pleased to tell you that my Royal Mage can free you from the binds of the spell. Sybil?." He motions for a robed woman to join them, and placed Eli's hands in hers. The mage closed her eyes, and I could see the golden sparks of the spell lifting from her. The mage removed her hands from Eli's and smiled, before vanishing.

Elora's smile could have blinded the entire realm, and I could see how much the spell had weighed down on her, for now she looked just about ready to float away.

She turned back to us, tears streaming down her cheeks and ran into my arms. "Farrah, I- I'm not dying anymore. I'm free- I'm free." She laughed, pulling back before cupping Caden's cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.

We returned to Caza from the capital after that, and went back to our lives. Eli went back to the capital to train at the Royal Magic Academy per the King's invitation, and Caden followed her like a lost puppy. Vivian took over Amara's old palace, and the King gave her a ladyship.

Rosie and I decided to stay in Caza and get married. A month after our wedding day, we adopted our daughter, and a year after, we cried as Eli married Caden after her graduation. Two years after, they had their first child, and a year after, their second and third.

"The end." I said, looking down at my daughter. I laughed quietly as I noticed she had fallen asleep, and was snoring on my lap. I brushed a lock of her hair from her face, and gently kissed her forehead.

"Good night, buttercup, I love you."


*Mic Drop Bitches*


**A/N Omg thank you guys so so so so so much for sticking with us this long! It was a wild and crazy ride, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, suggestions or critiques pretty pretty please share them! In about a week of the posting of this I will (attempt to) conquer the hellscape known as editing and rewrites for NANOWRIMO 2018! It will include longer chapters, new chapters, some plot point editing and a new character POV (along with basic things like creating a cohesive narrative ect.) The edited version will be available on Merritt and I's joint account @Drowsy-daydream and we will let you know when it gets posted up and any further information! On top of that, this version will only be available until the end of this year, and make sure you're following me on social media (links in my bio) for all of the updates! Once again I want to thank you so so so so so much for sticking around to the end. XOXO Nikki, AKA @Drowsy-Quill

PS- Be on the lookout for a bonus College AU coming at you soon!**

**A/N I'm not sure what to say really, Nikki hit all the main points! I can't thank you all enough for following us on this hellish journey. We can't wait to do rewrites and edits to put out and 100 times better version as she said on our join account. She will also be working hard on her series, The Lilac Throne, if you haven't read it, go check it out. I think I will also post a new story on here once it gets hella edited to stay tuned for that! Again, thank you all, we love you all so much! Well be back soon ~ Merritt**

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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