*Elora's POV*

"Wake up." I was slightly kicked in the leg, "I need to introduce you to someone." I looked around where I was. Oh, shit, that's right- I'm working for a demon and her children. Wonderful. Just want I wanted. I would rather have taken death.

I sat up and yawned, "Alright, let's get this over with." I stood up and followed him from my dungeon cell.

We made it all the way up to the main floor and we went down the main hallway to the throne room, where a beautiful woman sat, she had ruby red eyes and long silver hair. Standing next to her, there was a girl around my age, with short chestnut-colored hair and steel-grey eyes. "Mom, Vivian, I'd like you to meet our new servant, Elora Moore."

Vivian's eyes lit up like Christmas trees after she heard my name. What is with everyone and their reaction to my name?

"The Elora Moore? You found her?" Vivian asked. She got up and walked over to me, circling me. Like she was about to pounce and eat me alive.

"I'm confused," I said.

"Oh, sure you are." Vivian sarcastically answered.

I wasn't lying. I genuinely didn't know what was going on. She wouldn't believe me, so I kept my mouth shut.

"She'll do wonderfully," Amara said. She leaned back in her throne, trying to act all cool, "Show us your magic, Mage."

"Oh you're in for a real treat, mom," Caden exclaimed. Vivian and him ran up to stand on each side of their mom. "Can I pass on that request?" I asked. They laughed at my response.

"You can either show us or defend yourself against Vivian's magic."

"I think I'll try to dodge her magic, let's go with that." I reluctantly chose. She laughed to herself, "I've been waiting for this for too long."

I got into a stance and she conjured a giant fireball and threw it at me. I easily ran from it, but then, plot twist, it turned back around and came back after me. I tried my hardest to make snow shoot out of my hands, but it was no use. I ducked as it went over me. I couldn't keep running from this, I had to take the L. I stood there and waited for it. I put my arms in a X for some kind of protection. Once it hit me, I burned like hell for a second and then went away.

"Why didn't you use magic to stop it?" Amara said. She must've stopped the ball from completely hitting me.

"She's basically powerless," Caden answered for me. I looked at my arms where the ball hit. My arms were burned severely and excruciatingly painful. I had to be strong and pretend it didn't affect me. That's what Farrah would've told me.

"Give her the list of things that I was going to have you guys do. She can do them now." Amara told Caden.

Caden walked up to me, "Follow me." I did as I was told, not wanting to piss them off. He lead me to the kitchen, where there was a long ass list on the fridge.

I went up to it, reading everything that was on it, "Damn. She works you guys like pigs." I made a joke to Caden. He didn't laugh.

"Okay, nevermind then."

"Make sure everything is done by dinner since you'll need to make us dinner." And with that, he slammed the door shut and left me alone.

"This is just some basic chores, right? Nothing too hard. You got this Elora." I told myself. If this is what my job is like, and nothing else happens. I'll be golden. Just avoid Vivian and Amara.

Once it became dinner, I realized how hard and how much work there needed to be done. I barely made a dent in the list. They were going to be pissed.

I prepared dinner, with whatever I could find around the house. Farrah taught me everything I know when it comes to cooking. I made one of her favorite meals for them, a chicken soup with flour dumplings. The upside of that meal was that is was relatively easy to do, and pretty quick. 

The doors slammed against the wall. They opened with a force beyond no other, as I could feel the whoosh of the air on my skin.

"Oh, Elora! It's dinner time! Hope you finished all your jobs."

I finished setting up bowls and plates to make it look semi-fancy, so I didn't see them come in. I heard their chairs squeak against the floor. I somehow managed to carry all the plates at once.

"Dinner is served!" I exclaimed, setting down all the food.

"Um...what is this?" Vivian asked.

"Chicken soup and dumplings! My sister makes it all the time."

"Mom, this isn't what we wanted," she complained.

"She's right, Elora," Amara told me, "This isn't what we wanted. Tell me, did you even read the list?"

"I read one thing and did it. Then did that again. I didn't finish everything before dinner, so that's why I didn't see it." I explained.

"We told you to have everything done by dinner." Caden reminded.

"I'm sorry but, have you seen that list! It was like a novel!"

"We can do it before dinner," Vivian stated.

"Yeah well, you also have two people doing it, not one. Plus it was my first day so it takes some adjusting." I stated.

"You had one job Elora," Caden said.

"Actually, there was almost fifty." I pointed out.

All of sudden I was flung against a wall and Caden was standing in front of me.

"Don't sass me. I saved you from dying you should be thankful. Your purpose is now to work for my family. Now apologize and stop embarrassing me."

"Okay!" He released his magic hold on me and I walked over there and said, "I'm sorry your son has issues where he's worried about being embarrassed in front of you, all mighty Amara. I'm sorry your dinner wasn't perfect like you wanted it, you can make if you don't like-"

Then I was grabbed by the waist and taken away. Caden had a strong grip on me.

"Hey! Put me down! I wasn't done!" I said.

"Oh yes, you are." He carried me down a staircase.

"Hey! Your grip hurts!" I complained. He didn't do anything about it. He released one of his arms to magically open the door to my cell and threw me onto the floor.

"There, hurt now?" He asked as he slammed the barred door shut.

"Yes actually," I scolded.

"Good." He started walking away. I groaned, "Asshole."

**Hey thank you so much for all the reads and support, we're really enjoying sharing this story with you! Hopefully, you're liking it too! Leave some feedback if you want. Cya back on Sunday! ~Merrit**

**Hey there, Nikki again! Here is our second-to-last character banner (Vivian)! Once again credit to original artists yadayadayada~ please like, comment, and follow me ( drowsy-quill ) and Merritt! Also, I hope you liked this surprise update (I got bored and Merritt a-okayed it, as it is her chapter) Anyways, have a lovely day XOXO Nikki**

**Hey there, Nikki again! Here is our second-to-last character banner (Vivian)! Once again credit to original artists yadayadayada~ please like, comment, and follow me ( drowsy-quill ) and Merritt! Also, I hope you liked this surprise update (I go...

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