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*Elora's POV*

I sat up quickly gasping for air.

"Elora!" People yelled and ran to me. My vision we getting more clear. Farrah, Rosie, Caden, and Vivian came running. My heart dropped. Vivian. I freak out and pushed myself against the wall that my bed was on.

"Don't you dare come any fucking closer," I warned her.

"Elora, I'm sor-"

"Save it!" I yelled at her.

Caden got up onto the bed and held me while I cried. She brought back too many memories for me to handle. I cried everything out not, knowing I didn't have to pretend to be strong. He held me tighter.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Farrah said and climbed onto the bed as well and hugged me.

Once I calmed down and was able to speak, I said, "Why is everyone happy that I'm okay? Haven't I been okay?"

Caden pulled away from my slightly to look at me, "You don't know?"

"When do I ever know anything?!" I shouted in frustration. My hands went to my hair. What is wrong with me.

"You almost died." Rosie said.

"Again?!" I exclaimed.

"The spell that Caden put on you. Apparently the limit you can be apart from each other is three days. His magic is tied to your life energy somehow, so no matter how much I want to rip his throat out sometimes, I guess he has to stick around until we find a better solution." Farrah explained.

"We were all lucky that I had enough magic left to get Viv and I back in a matter of minutes." Caden said, "It was a close call."

I hugged him, "Thank you."

"I guess I'm just really good at saving you." He smirked.

I laughed and I kissed him. I was so happy to have in my life, "Now you have no choice but to stay."

He laughed, "I wasn't planning on it."

Farrah and Vivian were embracing each other tightly. I guess they were happy because I was okay.

"Did I miss something?" I asked them, "Last time I checked, you were about to rip her limb-from-limb at the first opportunity."

"She almost did. But then, we realized we were really close as kids so we decided to call a truce." Vivian explained.

"That makes quite a bit of sense, actually." I admitted, "I thought I knew you somehow but I couldn't put my finger on it. Goddess, I seem to miss everything that goes on."

"Well maybe if you weren't so busy dying, you'd be in the loop." Farrah sassed. I put my hand on her arm and sent a small shock, since that was all I could do.

"Ow!" She jumped back slightly, "Why would you hurt me?! And with magic!? That's low Eli, you can't even do magic."

I shrugged and smirked, proud of myself for coming at least a little ways when it comes to magic.

"Elora, I'm sorry." Vivian says rubbing the back of her neck, nervously. "I know I was a total mega-bitch, and that you should never forgive me for what I did, and I know the whole 'Your parents killed my parents' excuse is a loade of horeshit. And I'm sorry."

"I understand why you did everything, but please, never again."

"It won't ever happen again."

Just them Caden froze, "It's Amara."

Everyone's happy mood sank immediately to dread. Caden pupils widened until they completely took over the whites of his eyes, and he began to speak in a voice that wasn't his own.

"I'm not so sure why you worms thought you'd be able to get away with leaving. I know everything. I know your location, your newly found friends," She spit out, "You can't run from me, mortals. Now, I expect you won't bow to me willingly, and that you already intend on destroying me."

She laughed, "So, your wish is granted. The next time we meet will be dawn on the solstice, you can try as your ancestors did to defeat me." She cackled "But you will learn as they did, you can't kill a goddess." Caden shuddered and his eyes and posture returned to what it was.

"Well," Farrah sighed, "I guess the picnic is off."  

**A/N Hey guys! We're nearing the end of this book! We've got about 3 more chapters I believe. Nikki and I are planning on doing huge edits and a mass rewrite to make this story better. Hopefully you guys will end up liking that one as well. It will be posted under our joint account drowsy-daydream so if you guys want to follow it and be on the look out that would be great! ~ Merritt**

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