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*Farrah's POV*

Poor Palaquin was almost at his breaking point with the three of us on his back, but I think Rosie was giving him some magical assistance. I wanted to push that bastard Caden off, who the hell does he think he is trying to whisk Eli away? Plus he didn't even consider that Palaquin had a weight limit, or that maybe, just maybe, Eli needed time to heal before showing up in her life again, plus he didn't even realize he was one of her main tormentors.

He even had the nerve to try and help me onto my own damn horse. I made him sit on the edge of the saddle blanket, and I kept Eli in the saddle with me.  We made it to Caza in a matter of minutes, but I made Caden set us down at the edge of town, and left him there to 'Keep watch'. Eli was still dozing on Palaquin, so I dismounted and led him by the reins towards what I assumed was Rosie's sister's house. I knocked on the door and a flushed Rosie opened it.

"You're late." She said as she squeezed me into a hug, I rested my chin on the top of her head, wrapping my arms around her petite body.

"It's only been a day." I laughed.

"And you're a day late." She pouted. I chuckle and ruffle her raven hair.

"There's someone I want you to meet." I say, waving the now-awake Eli over to where we were.

"Rosie, this is my sister Elora. Eli, this is my-"

"I'm Rosalind." She says, cutting me off with a bright smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Eli says, shaking Rosie's hand.

"Finally?" Rosie tilted her head in confusion.

"For one, you're the only girl Farrah has ever talked to me about and she won't shut up about you. The only other thing in her life that she loves that much is her swords." I glare at Eli from behind Rosie, who was now doubled over in laughter.

"Alright, well I did promise to take you with me. I mean- if you still want to come-" I say, scratching my neck. She wraps her arms around my waist, stopping me mid-sentence.

"Of course I still want to come with. You promised me an adventure." I smile sheepishly and she went out back to retrieve her horse, Reina.

I mounted Palaquin and went back to the edge of town where I had left Caden. I begrudgingly let him ride with Eli on Palaquin, and I comfortable sat behind Rosie, with my arms wrapped securely around her soft waist and my nose tickling the back of her neck.

We flew over the country and made it to our house in a mere hour. We stabled our horses behind our house, and I carried the sleeping Eli inside and set her down on her bed. Mom and Dad were most likely in their store so I brewed a pot of tea, and sat cups in front of Rosie and I. Caden shot me the most pathetic of glares, so I got up and poured him one too. I sigh as I sit back and cross my legs on top of the table.

"So, where do we go from here?" I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"What do you mean?"

"We can't just let Amara live now that we know that she's back." I said, knowing that my green eyes had begun to start to burn with fiery determination.

"I agree, but-"

"But nothing, Caden. She wants to destroy our entire realm. I don't care that she raised you, or that all you seem to care about is possessing Elora even if you have to fucking torture her to get her to stay. I need to know all of Amara's weaknesses, her troop's weaknesses, and whatever tricks she has up her sleeves. Got that, lover boy?" He shrunk back at my pointed words, and not even Rosie's soft hand on my shoulder could calm the flames in my eyes or thaw the ice in my voice.

"I'm not the same person I was, Farrah. Eli changed me." He gives me another pathetic look and I scoff.

"Well, if you're so holy, I need that information. And Vivian. From what I've heard she was the most capable of the two of you buffoons when it came to magic, and also the closest to Amara. I need her here in three days at the latest." He gulps and nods.

Good, I think to myself, now he knows who's really in charge here. Rosie kisses my cheek and I switch back into my usual self, and smile at her. She didn't even shy away when she saw my other side, just sat there with her hand on my shoulder, keeping me ever so slightly grounded.

"Farrah? You're back?! Wait- who are these people?" I sit up with a jolt, and see mom and dad standing in the door frame.

"It's kind of a long story..." I trail off looking for an easy way out.

"Oh, Eli! You're up!" Caden says excitedly.

"Eli?!" My parents turn around and nearly faint in shock, as seeing their thought to be dead only child walking around in one piece.

This is going to be a long day.

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