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*Farrah's POV*

I was on the road for a week, still following that strange tugging feeling in my gut, and that even stranger voice. In my rush, I barely brought enough money to pay for food, let alone enough to buy a roof to sleep under. Each night I tethered my horse and slept on a simple bedroll in the woodlands to the side of the eastern road. Since I was a girl, I had always preferred sleeping under the stars, it made me feel closer to the Mother Goddess. Eli used to call me crazy for believing that, but I always felt like she was watching over me, smiling, protecting me.

Thankfully, the weather was fair and the skies were clear during the journey thus far, and the voice had guided me towards a town called Corason. The moment Palaquin and I stepped foot on the outskirts of the town the sky opened up, soaking me and Palaquin in mere moments.

I quickly took shelter in a nearby barn, dismounting him and huddling close, trying to warm my chilled body. He nuzzled me, and I affectionately stroked his soft nose. I had had Palaquin since he was a foal,

I heard the barn door open and I froze, gripping Palaquin's reims, ready to mount him and get the hell out of there, if need be. Then, a woman around my age turned the corner and spotted us, she let out a little gasp of surprise. "Oh my, I thought I saw someone come in here- Goodness, you look like you're about to catch death, why don't you come inside? I can brew some tea to warm you up."

It took me a moment to answer, this stranger's kindness left me completely frozen in place. I nodded my head and she took Palaquin's reins and led him to one of the stalls. Then, turning back towards me with a smile warm enough to melt the coldest of hearts, she beckoned me out towards the adjoining cottage. Her tight curls bounced merrily against her golden-dark skin, her almond eyes full of mirth.

The inside was warm and cozy, and she sat me down at the kitchen table. Without a word, she brewed a pot of tea and poured a cup for me. It wasn't until I had visibly warmed up she asked for my name. "Farrah, Farrah Lee Moore." I replied, choosing to trust her with my real name.

"Mine's Rosalind Toso. May I ask what brings you to these parts? There's not really anything for miles except for some destroyed castles and such from the Great War."

"I'm trying to find... someone." I answered, cryptically.

"Your boyfriend?"

I chuckled, definitely not a boyfriend. "My sister. She was taken, and I've been following this...feeling for days, and it took me here."

"Do you know where she is?"

"If I did, I'd already be there." I sipped my tea and she thought for a second, then brightens.

"I can help with that! My mom taught me a spell to help find lost things, and I'm pretty sure it will work for you." She exclaimed, animatedly.

"I may have some trouble with that. You see, I'm a human."

"What are you talking about? Humans can do magic, silly." She laughed, and I almost choke on my tea. "But I thought-"

Rosalind just waves me off, "That's just an old wives tale from the Great War. I'm human too, it's just that sorcerers naturally come into their magic, but anyone can cast spells, it's just a matter of practice." I sat back, my entire existence just got turned on its head for the umpteenth time this week. Wonderful. What we were told is that the moment Amara and her human allies fell, Iara stole away their magic, forever punishing them for their treachery. If any other major revelations like this had happened anytime soon my head may have actually exploded.

"You must come from one of those horrid magic-only towns." She assumed, I nodded, assuring her that her answer was correct.

"You don't have to worry about that stuff here in Corason, we tend to be quite open-minded towards most things. " She smiled at me.

"You can stay here, for the time being, I have a spare room you can use, and I can teach you the finding charm." She winked and my heart stopped for a second before I regained my senses. Come on Farrah, stay focused.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, I have some money left and I can pay you-"

"What kind of person would I be if I took your money? Besides, I could use the company." She winked at me and I smiled warmly back. She showed me to the guest room and draws me a warm bath. I thank her once again for all that she's done and slip into the warm water.

Don't worry El, I'll be there soon.

**A/N Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I was really excited/nervous to post this chapter, and I really hope that the relationship between Rosie and Farrah isn't too rushed. I'm not the best with writing romances, but I hope you enjoy it!! Also, there is the last character banner, credit to original artist yadda yadda yadda. Happy pride~ XOXO Nik**

**PS- Thank you so so so so so so SO much for over 100 reads! I really hope y'all are enjoying Rise, and please stick with us for another 100 reads! (I'm not sure if that made sense but whatever~) XOXO Nik**

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**PS- Thank you so so so so so so SO much for over 100 reads! I really hope y'all are enjoying Rise, and please stick with us for another 100 reads! (I'm not sure if that made sense but whatever~) XOXO Nik**

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