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*Farrah's POV*

As I walked along the streets with Elora, I looked around at the other townsman, all non-human. The laws preventing humans from living in certain areas were stupid. They stated that humans were "unfit" to live among magical creatures, which was complete and utter horseshit. It was all because of a battle a millennia ago, when humans, fed up with the treatment they received from magical beings, sided with Amara. I don't know who the genius who decided this was a good idea was, but I will hunt him down in my afterlife, the racist bastard.

We stopped by a few shops and said hello to familiar faces, Elora got bored and headed home, but I decided to stop by the orphanage to make sure Rhea was holding up okay.

"Farrah!" Rhea exclaimed, breathless, as I stood in the doorway of the main hall "Thank the gods, you're just the person I was looking for- The squire that was helping with the self-defense classes is out. His wife is in labor, and I really need someone to teach for him today." She looked up at me, her blue eyes pleading. I could never say no to Rhea when she got that defeated look in her eye, which has put in some... let's just say, odd situations.

"Alright, why not?" I shrugged. She showed me to an open part of the old church where a large group of children who looked only a few years younger than me was gathered, talking excitedly with one another.

"Alright, children. Miss Farrah is going to teach class today. Behave." She looked pointedly at a few of the older children before going off to attend to the youngest children in the nursery.

"Alright, you heard the woman, behave," I announced, smiling. "So, let's say I'm a big scary guy. And I'm trying to hurt you. How would you take me down?" No one answered I sighed. "Alright, today I'm going to teach you how to take an attacker down in three moves. I'm going to need someone to demonstrate. Any volunteers?" An older boy stepped forward, he looked to be about my age, and almost a foot taller than me. "You are quite brave." I said nodding at him, "Your name?"


"Well, Trevor. I want you to try and punch me." I say, spreading my arms wide

"What?" He looked frightened, for a moment.

"You heard me. Try and punch me. You won't hurt me, I promise." He nods and readies himself. I see his weight shift before he barrels straight for me, almost like a bull. He raises his fist and I catch it, turning so that my back was against his stomach. I lean forward, throwing him over me and onto the floor. He lets out a startled oof as he hits the stone, but he was pretty much unharmed.

"Now, who wants to learn?" Everyone raises their hand.

A few hours later, all of us were sweaty and exhausted, but everyone had it down. Plus, I think images of me will show up in some of the older boy's nightmares for the next few nights. Though, I didn't mind. There are worse things awaiting these kids at night than an angry red-head with a penchant for starting bar fights. I had decided to spend the night at the orphanage since a few of Rhea's aides were down with fevers and she needed all the help she could get.

Dinner was chaotic as usual, but I noticed that all of the older kids were eating silently. I brushed it off, the older kids had much more on their minds than the little gremlins that weaved in between my ankles. If they didn't get an apprenticeship or a job by the time they left the orphanage, they may live as beggars on the street, or as soldiers or gladiators in bloodsports.

I quickly ate my dinner of rabbit stew and soft buttery rolls, before beginning the nightly chores of cleaning and washing. In the still-warm kitchen, I chatted merrily with some of the other volunteers, but they soon had to leave, as they were simply daytime aides and left at night to go home to their own families.

As the moon made its way across the starry sky, I was with the little ones, singing lullabies and telling stories of princesses and dragons and magical kisses. Patty insisted on sharing her cot with me, even though Rhea had set one up for my use in an adjacent room, and before I could protest even a word, she curled her small frame into the curve of my body.

"Miss Farrah, can you tell me a story?"

"Which one, Patty?"

"The first one."



"Alright," I sighed and she snuggled closer. "A long long time ago, when goddesses and magic ruled. There were two, Iara and Amara, Light and Dark, Creation and destruction, life and death. They were sisters, Iara was the mother goddess, she created everything, you, me, the grass, the trees, the sun, the sky, and Amara was jealous of her power. She convinced the humans to join forces with her and her demonic army, and they were able to win against Iara and the rest of her creations- for a time. Then, Iara gave her blessing to a very special hero, giving him the power to-" I was cut off by her quiet snoring. I laughed quietly and held her close.

"Sweet dreams, Patty." I murmur as I was lulled into sleep by the warmth of the child in my arms.

**A/N Thanks for reading this chapter of Rise! (Sorry it was a little bit short) Please suggest edits, point out grammar mistakes, etc! I really want to polish up my writing as best I can. Plus, I'm really excited for next week's chapter (We're starting to get into the really good stuff!) so please Like, comment and follow! XOXO Nikki** 

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