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*Elora's POV*

"You know, your parents probably don't miss you."

I sighed. I've always had self conscious issues. I always knew that there was something special about Farrah. Our parents always treated her better and preferred her over me. So, Vivian was probably right.

"You're a disappointment to them. You can't even do magic." She stated.

"Can you not, please?" I asked while I was cleaning the counters in the kitchen.

"You know I'm right." She was, "How much did you eat when you lived with your family?"

I was going to end up crying. I was very aware of my physical looks and always thought negative of them. I've actually stopped eating at some points to try to keep my body weight from growing.

Farrah became very aware of this quickly, she's very observant. That's why she took on cooking as a hobby. She wanted to cook good food for me and to make sure I was in fact eating like I said I was. She was also excited that I became interested in cooking and that I wanted her to teach me. Since she's a bit younger than me, she enjoyed trying to teach me new things. We loved spending time together, since we were all we had. This was another excuse for us to hang out, not that we needed any. We were connected at the hip. I knew that if one person was missing me, it would be her.

I've been having this feeling, like she knows I'm okay. Though I've been hoping and praying to the gods that they give her some kind of signal that I am still out here. To come and find me. I desperately want out of here, and it's only been a couple days.

Throughout the past week I've been doing better at the job list. I've noticed that it doesn't change, except what they want for dinner. Which I understand completely because who would want to eat the same thing everyday.

I've made ways to get through things quicker and to even multitask. For example, when I make dinner that doesn't constantly need my attention, I do other tasks while it's cooking. There's many items on the list that can be done at once, which makes my life easier and their life happy.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I turned around to the voice and I saw Caden standing there.

"So?" I sassed as I went to the closet in the kitchen to grab a broom. This floor doesn't need to be sweeped everyday, so it doesn't take long to do.

He grabbed my arm and quickly turned me around, "So answer me when I'm talking to you!"

"Damn, who shit in your oatmeal this morning."

"I didn't have oatmeal, you made waffles."

I rolled my eyes, "It's an expression."

"I don't get it." His face had confusion written all over it. I laughed at him, "What are you laughing at!"

"You think you're above everyone else in everything but you can't understand-"

I was pushed to the ground, "Don't talk to me like that!" He yelled.

I stood up, "Okay. You're attitude is up here," I raised my hand above my head, "You need to bring it down here," I lowered it to my hips.

He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back to my cell. He pushed me inside and and shut the door. He went to walk around the stairs where you could see from the huge opening in the wall. If I dared to step out I would fall to my death. The stairs were too far to jump to and now low enough. He made his way around and sat on the stairs that faced the opening.

I stood at the opening and leaned against the the edge of the wall, "You know, with me being in here, I can't work."

He smirked, "Actually..." He got up and walked up the rest of the stairs. I questioned where he went and then shrugged. I sat on the floor and leaned my head against the wall. I sighed, fully taking in the situation I was in.

The door opened with a creak and I turned my head, "Here you go." Caden set down a bucket of soapy water, a bunch of dishes, and a rag. He closed the door and walked up the stairs to where he was sitting. I grabbed all the stuff and started washing the dishes.

"So, Elora. What do you like to do for fun?" He asked me.

"Why are you trying to get to know me?"

"So I know what hurts you the most," he smirked evilly. That scared me a little. But whatever, at least I'm not alone.

"I don't have fun. I'm here working for you."

"Good point."

"I don't even want to know what you do for fun." I admitted, laughing.

"Before you came along I was doing what you're doing, but it wasn't as intense."

"Yeah well, at least your life isn't on the line."

He laughed, "That was funny."

"Why are you being nice to me, and then mean around your family."

"I'm not being nice to you." He insisted.

"Ha, okay," I answered sarcastically.

"I'm glad we agree." I rolled my eyes again and giggled to myself. This guy doesn't understand sarcasm either.

**A/N Hiya! Hope you all are enjoying the story still! Did you like that surprise earlier this week? You can thank Nik for that, it was all her idea. Credits to her for it. While she's on vacation at the beach I'm stuck here in Cincinnati. Oh well, I'll get my vacations soon. Cya all next week! ~Merritt**

**Here is my view! (Isn't it wonderful?!) Anywho, don't worry your lovely little faces- you'll get to see more of Farrah soon (And you get to meet a very special someone (oooolalala~) Remember to comment, vote, and follow! XOXO Nikki**

**Here is my view! (Isn't it wonderful?!) Anywho, don't worry your lovely little faces- you'll get to see more of Farrah soon (And you get to meet a very special someone (oooolalala~) Remember to comment, vote, and follow! XOXO Nikki**

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