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*Elora's POV*

"You missed a spot." Caden said. I turned around to see that there was soda dumped on the counter. I groaned, and cleaned up the mess he has purposefully created. He went to take another drink but I grabbed it from him and walked over to the sink. I look at him dead in the eyes with my right hand on my hip and dumped the rest down the drain.

"Hey! I was drinking that!"

"You can have another one once you learn to not play with what you drink." I've started to sound like a mom. After all, the people here act like children.

I walked over to the study and started to clean that room. I organized the desks and dusted every nook and cranny I could find.

I was turned around to the table that my cleaning supplies was one and grabbed another rag to clean this last desk. I turned back around to see Caden sitting where I was about to clean.

"Excuse me," I said trying to push him off.

He pushed me down, "Don't touch me, slave."

I made a face to myself. Did he just call me that? I know he did not just call me that.

"What was that?" I tested him.


My jaw dropped, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Well it's what you are." He said.

"I am here because I wanted to live!"

"Maybe you should've chosen death!"

"It would've been a lot better than this hell I'm currently living through!"

"I told you 'welcome to hell.'"

"I'm aware." I sassed.

"You signed up for this, this was your choice, so don't blame it on me that you're my servant."

"That was the only I could do to live! You would do the same! If I was in your shoes, I would actually show some respect and been kind to you. Maybe you should try that on for size," I said, "Oh wait! You're incapable of being nice around your family because you have acceptance issues!"

"I do not!"

"Yes you do! I know you do! You want to know why?" I asked.


"Because I am the same way!" I yelled. I breathed heavily.

He looked at me, "I don't care about your life."

I was fuming. I went over to one of the book shelves and took the heaviest book I could find and I grabbed it. I ran a little bit and threw it at him, only to have him dodge it. I grabbed more books but it was no use, he knew my every move.

I saw an envelope opener on the desk beside me. I grabbed it and ran straight toward him, anger filling me. I raised my hand to stab him. I was so close to him and then I froze, right in front of him.

"Did you forget I have magic?" He looked down at me.

"I wish you didn't." I was trying to move but I couldn't.

"You couldn't kill me, you're too soft."

"I am not soft! I am ninety nine pounds of whoop-ass!"

"Do you want to know how I know you wouldn't kill me, or harm me?"

"That's the thing, you don't know."

And just like that, his lips were on mine. They were a lot warmer than I expected them to be. They were so smooth. I kissed him back, our lips moved in sync.

I dropped the opener and wrapped my arms around his neck and his went to my waist and pulled pulled me closer. We finally pulled apart after some time went by. Time felt frozen kissing him.

"You got me there." I admitted.

He smiled, "I know." His lips went back to mine and we stayed there in pure bliss.

This was the first time, in a long time, that I felt happy.

**A/N I would just like to apologize for the late update, life has been a whirlwind since I finished vacations. Yes, there will be an update Sunday, so no worries. Hope you all are in enjoying the story so far! Who's your favorite character? ~ Merritt**

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