Chapter 1 The good enough starting

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A man named Tord, walked around in a town called Town Town, in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain. This name should sound familiar, if you know what's going on.

Tord just left another town about 100 miles away. That place doesn't exist anymore. You see, Tord isn't the nicest of fellows, he was most known criminal back at his old town. So we'll known, other nearby places heard of his crimes. Things got messy, things got out of hand, and he set a building on fire and quickly left before the police arrived. He never looked back.

Tord's spiked hair drooped down from the rain, and his black leather jacket just as soaked at his hair. He sat down at a nearby bench and sat down, he sighed and closed his eyes, letting the drops of water hit his face. He soon opened up his eyes back up again and grabbed a cigar and lighter from his pocket. He starred at the lighter for a few moments, thinking about the last time he used it. He shook off the memory, he put his hand above the lighter so the rain wouldn't put it out and lit the cigar.

Another man was walking down the same road, a little farther away. His name was Edd, he wore a green hoodie and held an umbrella. He then noticed a man in a black jacket on a bench a little farther down the road. I wonder what he's doing at this time... plus in the rain without an umbrella Edd wondered to himself. Edd made his way to Tord.

Tord noticed a man with an umbrella making down the road, thinking he'd walk pass him, Tord didn't make eye contact.

Once Edd was in front of Tord, he spoke, "You shouldn't be in the rain by yourself"

"What if I like the rain?" Tord said a bit confused about someone talking to him. He struggled to keep his cigar lit.

"You can still catch a cold"

"Why would you care?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Tord paused, "Because you don't know me"

"Just because I don't know you doesn't mean I can't care about your well being" Edd sat down on the bench, holding the umbrella over Tord's head.

"Don't you have something better to do?" Tord asked, he did not like how nice Edd was.

"Eh, not really. Doesn't seem like you do either"

They both were silent then Tord spoke up and said, "It's Tord by the way..."

"I'm Edd. We should bump into each other again sometime"


Edd looked in the distance, thinking of what to say next

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Edd looked in the distance, thinking of what to say next. He just randomly started to chat with a stranger named Tord, what now? Might as well ask if he just moved here or something...

"So... uh... haven't seen you around before, are you new?" Edd asked.

Tord puffed his cigar "I guess you could say that..."

"Where are you from?"

Tord cleared his throat uncomfortably then responded, "...Norway. What about you?"

"Here" Edd answered simply. There was a silence. "How long are you planning to stay?"

"I don't know... I don't plan to stay long" Tord flicked his cigar onto the ground.

"At least 'till the new year or..?" Edd asked, not sure why though.

"Wait- what month is it?" Tord realized he haven't checked the date in awhile.

"Uhhh... August of 2013? Why? Are you time traveler or something?" Edd chuckled.

"Heh, no... I just forgot"

Edd went on his phone for a second to check the time 11:24 pm he quickly put it away and got up. "Heh, sorry, gotta go... like I said, we should bump into each other again sometime!" He then quickly sprinted away before Tord could say goodbye.

Huh, he's nice Tord thought to himself. He also got up and crossed the road and continued walking.

Edd opened the door to his house, quickly entering and closing the door. He hoped his roommate wouldn't notice he just came in, but there he was. Sitting in the living room, waiting for Edd. It's Matt, he sat there with a mix of worry and concern.

Edd nervously chuckled and put away his umbrella then approached Matt. "I'm sorry, I got caught up with something..."

"You said you'd be back before ten" Matt said a bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Matt..." Edd sat down in a different chair.

"Did you at least get them?" Matt asked.

"No, it closed before I could get there... sucks that they're across town... I'm sorry" Edd apologized once more.

Matt sighed, a bit sad with Edd response, "It's okay... I can live"

Edd hesitated for a moment before he asked, "Did the results come in yet?"


They both sighed. "Want some cola?" Edd asked.

"You know I don't like it"

"Asked just in case" Edd walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cola out of the fridge. Then sat down once again. "I met someone while walking home"

Matt tilted his head, "Who?"

"His name is Tord, he seems nice enough" Edd took a sip of his cola.

"Tord... huh... that name doesn't sit right..."

"What do you mean?" Edd asked a bit confused.

"I don't know, I swore I heard that name somewhere" Matt tried to remember, but couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

"Probably nothing" Edd said and Matt gave up on trying to recall.

Tord looked around, he needed somewhere to sleep. He had no money, and he couldn't sleep on a bench because it's cold and raining. No thanks He thought to himself. After who knows long of walking, he eventually found an abandoned building. He decided to go in. It was covered in cracks, dust, and webs. But it's better than nothing. The building looked like it used to be a hotel, but something happened obviously. But Tord didn't care what, he just wanted sleep. Ever since he left the other town, getting to sleep has gotten harder.

Tord walked around the empty building, only some rooms had beds and others were completely empty. But Tord could care less why this place was abandoned, wasn't his problem. He eventually found a room on the second floor that didn't have the bed gone, didn't have that many cracks in the walls, and less bugs. He plopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

After awhile, he finally got to sleep and went into a deep slumber.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now