Chapter 15 Chat

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Back to the demons

"Aww..." Edd said smiling "You two were so cute!"

Tord gave a sad smile "Yeah..." He looked away from the other demon sitting next to him.

Edd noticed then asked, "If you don't mind... may I ask, what happened?"

Tord didn't really want to respond, he wasn't ready to tell the truth. What am I going to do? Hide behind another lie like always? I can't keep doing this...
"I..." Tord hesitated "You'll find out after the story is over" He answered. It was a simple answer, but at least it wasn't a lie.

"...Okay... guess I can't argue with that..." Edd responded. I'll be fine waiting 'till the end of the story

Tord was silent for an odd amount of time, right before Edd could ask if he was okay Tord got up and said, "We should get going" He turned to face the green demon "There's other places out there other than this old dump"

So they left that 'dump'.

Tord noticed it was almost sunset, just to be safe...
"Hey, Feathers, might want to hide your wings, horns, and tail"

Edd looked at him confused "Why?"

Tord responded, while stuffing his wings into his ripped hoodie "Don't want mortals seeing us, do we?"

"Wait... Tord, we are not actually going places with humans are we?" Edd asked, looking like a mix of emotions.

"We are. I have a place in mind" Tord said as he hid his horns in his hair. He then proceeded to stuff his tail into his pants.

Edd soon started doing the same "And where is this place?"

"Somewhere" Tord simply said, obviously not wanting to give it away.

"Ooh, mysterious. Good thing I like surprises"

After awhile of walking, the two finally made it to their destination. It was the arcade that they went to a few times in the past, like when Edd still had his memories. Tord hoped maybe this will jog his memory, though he wasn't too sure if that was the best thing anymore. What if he hates me for lying? Tord thought to himself.

"We're here!" Tord gestured toward the building, which was surprisingly still open.

"What's this place?" Edd asked, curiously.

Tord then explained, feeling a little excited, "It's an arcade. We have fun in there. I'll explain it a little more once we get inside"

Back in the mortal world

The next day rolled around and Tord was beyond excited. But he didn't want to let it show, since he wasn't really the type to show much emotion. But obviously that was sort of hard to do now.

As he waited, not so patiently, the day seemed to go by really slow. He didn't want to seem weird and wait outside where Edd worked, so he just sat in their little forest spot.

Edd was just as excited as Tord was. As he worked, he was thinking of what might happen at the date. I know it's crazy to go on a date with a guy you just met, bad things could happen... but who cares? What's the worst that could happen? Edd gave some food to a lizard as he was thinking I know he was a bad guy and all but... I truly believe he's better now He was completely zoned out. He soon snapped out of it and decided he should keep doing his job. Keep the imagining for later.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now