Chapter 2 Breakfast

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The sunlight beamed through the curtains and onto Edd's face, waking him up. He looked at the clock on his desk, 8:15 it read. Perfect timing He thought to himself. Edd got up and get ready for the day. He exited his room, and saw the door across from his (Matt's door) slightly open. He peeked through to see Matt wide awake sitting on his bed staring at the wall.

Edd cleared his throat, "Am I interrupting something?" He asked, walking in the room.

Matt jumped to his feet, "Oh! No, not that all!" He smiled. "You ready to go?"

"Are you?"

"Uhh..." Matt glanced around his room "I'm pretty sure"

"Now let's go out and get some breakfast. It might help you of we get some fresh air" Edd suggested. Matt nodded in agreement. They both left the house soon after.

Tord woke up to sunlight on his face that was coming from a nearby window. He sat up and yawned. What time is it? he asked himself. He didn't have a phone with him since he destroyed it back at the other town. He also lost his watch.

Tord got up and saw a piece of glass on the floor. He picked it up, and noticed how messy his hair was. One horn was sticking up, and the other doing its own thing. "Great, now I completely look like a hobo". He fixed it the best he could, and decided it was best to go outside and look around.

"How about here, Matt? I heard they have really good pancakes! Also they have cola!" Edd pointed to a building that smelled of maple syrup and pancakes. Just from the smell, it made Matt's stomach growl. Matt read the name of the place, Pancakes & Waffles.

Matt then commented, "How convenient to have a breakfast shop near by"

"Yeah, now let's go in!" Edd pulled Matt inside quickly. The place resembled a café, but the theme was breakfast not coffee.  There were small tables around the place with some people scattered around the room, eating their own thing. It was a nice place.

Tord wondered around the town, looking at each building and shop. They weren't kidding when they said it was a small town Tord thought to himself, thinking about what some people have said about this place.

Tord was half way through town until he saw the guy he met last night. His name was Edd, right? He then noticed that Edd was with someone, then they quickly went into a building. Tord then walked toward the building, noticed it was some type of restaurant. Maybe I should go say hi to him. No, I shouldn't. That's weird, we only talked for 2 minutes and it was awkward. Tord looked through the window to see Edd with the other guy. He was oddly nice to me... for some reason.

Tord then realized how weird he must look just staring into the building so he just walked off awkwardly. "That was weird..." He mumbled to himself as he quickly scampered away.

Awhile later, Edd and Matt finished eating their Waffles and left. Edd looked up and down the street, as if looking for something.

"Is something wrong, Edd?" Matt asked trying to see was Edd was looking at.

"I just thought I saw someone"

"Edd. This is a town. You're bound to see someone"

Edd noticed how silly he was. People walk up and down the street, it's normal. Except he felt like it was the same person over and over again. But he just thought it was his imagination. "You're right, now let's go"

Tord hid in an alleyway feeling stupid. He facepalmed. "Stupid. Why am I doing this? This is so stupid and weird. What the heck is wrong with you, Tord?" Tord said to himself with a mix of confusion and anger with himself. He was walking up and down the street hoping to catch Edd at the right time but then realized how stupid that was. "This is really weird, stop this, Tord. You're not gay"

Tord then exited the alleyway, but as soon as he did that, someone bumped into him.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Said the person.

Tord turned to them, "Oh I-" Tord paused it was Edd.

"It's Tord, right? I didn't mean this by 'bump into each another again sometime' but this works too." Edd gave a smile
Matt gave Edd a look, wondering when Edd met this guy.

Tord then gave a smile back, "Uh, yeah! It's me, Tord. Just to be clear, you're Edd, right?"

"Right! I see you remembered last night" Edd said

Matt then said, "What happened last night?!" He was confused, who the heck is this guy?! Where did he come from?

Edd answered Matt's question, "I met Tord in the rain and we talked for about 2 minutes" There was pause from everyone. "Oh, Matt, this is Tord. Tord, this is Matt. There, now everyone knows everyone" There was another pause from everyone.

"Heh, so... uh..." Tord didn't know what to say, he wasn't one for small talk. Or friendly conversations with with people. "Nice seeing you! Bye!" Tord then speed off in the opposite direction of them before things got more awkward for him.

Matt and Edd looked at him quickly walking off, they glanced at each other confused why he wanted to leave so fast.

Matt crossed his arms. "He seems off... I don't like him"

"He seemed really uncomfortable, unlike what he was yesterday" Edd commented. Then the two boys started heading off.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now